The Woman had this invisible 'fat, ugly' doll.
Fat Ugly Doll followed her everywhere.
She lay in bed at night thinking about Fat Ugly Doll. When she woke up she didn't want to look in the mirror because all she saw was Fat Ugly Doll.
She didn't like to go out in public because of Fat Ugly Doll. She thought everyone saw this big doll when they looked at her.
When her husband came home, she greeted him, hoping he wouldn't notice. She went to bed before he did,trying to hide Fat Ugly Doll; but when he came to bed, she just knew all he saw was Fat Ugly.
Actually, Woman tried, several times to get Fat Ugly Doll to move out, but Fat would cry and throw fits. Sometimes it appeared that Ugly really had left. The woman would be elated, only to find her hiding in the closet of clothes that didn't fit...or in the cupboard behind the cereal. Fat Ugly Doll could be a whiner, a diner, a charmer, a tormentor, and a bully.
What was Woman going to do...She had tried every trick in the book. But, Fat Ugly Doll would not buy into any of it. She stayed and made Woman's life miserable.
"Fat Ugly Doll!" Woman screamed one day. "I've had enough! I can't take this anymore. You have to leave. This is it." Woman sat and looked at herself - Fat was right there, as usual.
There had to be a way to be rid of the ugliness once and for all.
Then, Woman remembered an old friend. He said she should call if she ever needed him. If ever there was a time, this was it.
He came right over.
He said, "I have just the thing to get rid of them. Fat Ugly Dolls used to torment me, too."
He pulled out his laser Lord of Light/Sword of the Spirit/Word of God, and spoke of the blood of Jesus and he piereced Fat Ugly Doll with his laser. She deflated slowly, shriveling up till she was flat on the a pancake.
Woman was set free. She whirled and twirled and danced for joy.
"Free at last!"
Now, Woman wears what she wants, goes where she will, visits, shares her talents with no fear, laughs, sleeps well; and...most of all, when she looks in the mirror she can finally see the beautiful person she has always been - no Fat Ugly Doll standing in her way, whispering lies in her ear.
Fat Ugly Dolls are real. We've all had one or one time or another, or now and always.
They barge in on life when we least expect it and plan on staying make us feel less than we are.
They may come as insecurity, fear, timidity or because of something horrible that has happened.
One may be speaking right now. "You are fat. You are ugly." Or maybe, "You are not accepted. You will never be successful." "Nobody really loves you." "You've made so many stupid decisions you might as well just 'fahgetaboutit'.
Fat Ugly Dolls don't have anything good to say. They try to convince us that we need them. We can't survive without them...even though they abuse us in one way or another, we have to keep them...we have no choice. Anyway, that's what they say...but, that's a lie.
I'm learning...I don't have to keep the Fat Ugly Doll around. I have the weapons of Life at my disposal.
Look in the mirror and smile. Take the laser of the Lord and pierce the deflatable heart that constantly taunts.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Take time for you.
Get to know the wonderful person you were created to be.
Focus on the road of life God has put before you.
Help yourself to the goodness in His Word that tells the love story of God's great love for you.
Shoot the fat ugly doll.
It doesn't belong to you.