Friday, December 18, 2015

Our Family Tree

Last year I wrote a blog about how I just couldn't put up our family ornaments - couldn't go into the small room where they were kept.
Too many memories....just too hard.

This year I wasn't sure it would be any different.

Early November I started thinking about how I was going to decorate our Christmas tree.
So many ideas crossed my mind, but none of them seemed right.

There was a time last Christmas when one of my children asked, "Where are the other ornaments from when we were growing up?"
My explanation was understood, accepted and that was that.

This year I wondered,
what about 'those' ornaments?
Could I get them out?
Could I do it?

About that time the thought came to mind,
"We are family."

I didn't jump right up and go downstairs.
I thought about it.
I pondered the idea for a while.
Then, one day
I went downstairs and opened the door.
I got out a few boxes that were right inside the small room.
I glanced at the ornament totes, and walked away.

There was no 'blast from the past' ready to knock me down with heartbreak.
It was different this year.

A few days later  I picked up an ornament tote, and brought it upstairs.

I carefully lifted the lid, not sure what my reaction would be to seeing
the family ornaments.
There they were - old friends.
They had waited patiently as I went through trying, tearful years.
They knew I'd be back for them.
 Silent, sweet, memories of joy from years past
 came from each ornament.

Yes, there were tears.
But, I did it.

As I put each ornament on our tree,
I saw our lives unfold

My family....the Baby's First Christmas ornaments....
the preschool cut-out of a drummer boy colored with red crayon -
the Christmas tree with buttons, an ornament that Caleb made in elementary school,
the school pictures glued on little wreaths.
There were cheerleader ornaments, football ornaments, baseball players -
then - the Marine Corps and college ornaments......

When the last ornament was put in place,
I stood back, smiling through tears.

It was like Caleb was telling me, "Mom, the ornaments are the story of our family.
We will always be family.
I will always be part of the story."

All those years -
ornament after ornament,
we were building our story.

I wanted to complete the tree with a special topper -
not a star, or an angel or a bow.
I wanted something meaningful.
Something unique...special, just for us.

One day, while I was shopping in a Hallmark shop, there it was.
A wooden plaque that says,
"Family. Count your blessings."

It was perfect for our tree.

Our Christmas tree
truly is our family tree.

And that, my friends, is the rest of the story.