We walked in the rain. Drenched. Laughing till we cried.
We ran through leaves in the park, and drove through the country
with the windows down, singing at the top of our lungs.
We sat in the quiet, feeling each other's pain at a friend's funeral.
We shared in the joy of each other's victories, and accomplishments.
You are my friend.
We probably don't see each other every day.
Some of us haven't seen each other in years.
But, the bond that brought us together years ago is just as strong.
Some of us made mudpies together, and played hide-n-seek in the dark.
Some of us played Barbies and roller skated together.
We may have ridden bikes, and spent nights giggling when we should have been sleeping.
There are memories only we share.
The time we drove out of town and your dad had to drive hours to come rescue us.
Or when you helped plan my sixteenth surprise birthday party - how hard you tried to get me there, and I wouldn't cooperate.
Remember how we would meet on the corner under the street light, to exchange clothes and notes?
Or when we watched The Way We Were, and then thought, "We drove out of town for that?!"
We may have danced together, and spent hours working on college publications, or going over lab notes.
Maybe we were the geeks who decided to study when our friends kept knocking on our door inviting us to join the dorm party right outside our room.
Or maybe you were the one who told me I didn't have the was the fruit wine.
(I said I'd never do that again!)
We shared secrets, and knew they were safe.
Sure, we had our moments when we didn't see eye to eye.
But, we always got past those times.
Here we are.
It's been a lifetime now.
We moved on, and married, and worked, and had our separate lives.
We diapered our children, loved, and cheered them on in every endeavor they pursued.
We watched as they drove off to college, got married.
Some have children of their own.
We may have met later in life.
Maybe after a move.
In a new town, or a new direction.
Maybe we text, facebook, write, call, or sit and visit.
Maybe we have lunch every now and then.
Maybe we fly, and drive to see each other.
Or maybe we don't see each other at all.
But, you live in my heart forever,
because you are a part of my life.
Michael W. Smith writes, "A friend's a friend forever."
It's true.
A lifetime's not too long to live as friends.
To all my friends through all my life,
I thank God for every remembrance of you.
Happy Valentine's Day.