Friday, November 22, 2013

Leaning On The Everlasting Ever Ready Arms

I am always His little girl, his daughter.
I'm never too old to let Him comfort me.
I am glad for that.
Tonight I need to lean on my Lord.

Father, I'm tired. I thank you for your strength that gets me through everyday. I praise you for your constant love, and care.
I thank you that you know how I feel, and it's ok.

This road is rough. I know I couldn't make it without you.
Some days there are tons of tears.
Some days I'm numb.
Today I am spent.
There is no energy left.
I am bewildered.
It is still so beyond my comprehension that I won't see my son again in this life.
If I think too hard, I start to panic.
So, I stop, and put it all in your hands.
You don't want me to look past today.
At this point I can't. It is too much to take in.
You know that.
One minute at a time I can make it through.
One step at a time, with you holding my hand.

Tonight I curl up on your lap, and rest my head against your shoulder.
I can cry here, and I know you will hold me.
I am tired.
I know things can't ever be the way they were, and it hurts.

It's hard because I know outwardly it looks like everything is ok, but everyday it's because of you that I move and have my being.
Everyday my heart breaks all over again.
I miss my son.
And yet, I know he lives in heaven with you.
I have that hope that I will see him again.
But, for now, it is a rugged road.

Thank you for being faithful.
For assuring me that you are there for me - always.

Ok. I will rest.
I will be still and know that you are God.
I will be still and put my hope in you, my Father.
I will rest and take no thought for tomorrow for you are already there.