Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Friday

I lost track of time on Tuesday night.
Death visited and turned our world upside down.
Death rings close to home since we know most everybody.
It's how it is in a small community.

Words are not enough.
They can't portray the deep grief and sorrow passing through our lives.
It's heart wrenching.
Life isn't supposed to end this way.
Murder -
Horrendous deaths of friends, parents.

My mind can't filter through all the news.
It's too tragic.
Through the blur of time, we arrived at Friday.
Yes, Friday.

I thought about this story:

Years ago, a Baptist preacher in the inner city of Philadelphia gave an unforgettable sermon on Easter.
He said, "Mary, Jesus' mother is crying her eyes out. That's her son up on that cross. He's dying an agonizing death as a criminal."
It's only Friday...... But, Sunday's a comin'!"
The Apostles are down and depressed. Jesus, their leader is being killed by evil men.
It's only Friday.....
But, Sunday's a comin'!"
Mary Magdalene is out of her mind with grief. Jesus saved her life and set her free and now He's being killed.
It's only Friday.....
But Sunday's a comin'!
The Devil thought he won....'You thought you'd outwit me, but I've got you now.'
It's only Friday......
But Sunday's a comin'!

It's Friday. Evil has triumphed over over good.
Jesus is up there on the cross. The world is turned upside down.
This shouldn't be happening.

The brothers and the sisters are suffering.
It just isn't fair...all they have to go through, but,
it's only Friday.
Yes, it's only Friday....

Sunday's a comin'!"

Yes, it's Friday.
We've experienced tremendous loss this week in our small community.
Our world has been turned upside down.

Yes, this is Friday.
But, friends, Sunday's a comin'!

God said so.
Jesus confirmed it.
The Holy Spirit is here to be our comfort and strength.
Sunday's a comin.

We can count on it.
He is our blessed hope.
He will carry us through the storm, the darkness and
bring us through.
He brought Life to Sunday.
He was victorious over Friday.

Yes, it's Friday.
Sunday's a comin'!