Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Out of Time Part 4
I had seen my Master. I beheld the wounds, the radiance of his being, the sound of his voice.
I had run through the city shouting and telling everyone I saw, about my risen Messiah.
Many looked at me like I had lost my mind. Pharisees shook their heads. Roman soldiers snickered.
I didn't care. I had seen him! Some rejoiced with me, and for that I was glad.
It was glorious.
That night as I lay on my mat I could not sleep. This time it was not despair that kept me awake. It was knowing I had witnessed the greatest miracle in history. I had seen Jesus - the man who had been betrayed, mocked, spat on and beaten - the man who hung on the cruel cross and cried out in agony.
To think I had seen this man placed in the tomb, watched the stone rolled over the opening, and witnessed the guards ready to kill anyone who came near.
It was incredible that this man, Jesus, had risen from the dead! I saw him! He knew me, and spoke to me! He had risen, just as he said!
I woke up early, to a bright sunlit day. I could hardly wait to go out, to see the others.
"They're fishing," Mary told me.
"Fishing? What about Jesus?"
"Some saw him, others didn't. This morning some are thinking it was just a ghost. So, they went fishing."
"How about you, Mary," I asked.
"I know my Master. I know I saw him, and he is alive. Whether I see him again, it won't change anything. I know what I know. I saw my Messiah, and he spoke to me." She was radiant with peace and joy.
I stood in the doorway. "I believe. I know I saw him, too. I know it was Jesus."
"Go see them where they usually fish. They will be glad to see you."
I doubted her words, but I went.
I could see them on shore, wrestling with a tangled net.
It was like old days.
They were shouting at each other.
"I told you to listen to me!"
"Why should I listen to you? We didn't catch anything throwing the net where you suggested."
I wanted to turn back, but one of them saw me.
"Hey! Come and help! Where have you been hiding?"
John walked up to me.
I had nothing to say. How could they not be talking about Jesus? Then, I heard them.
"Why should I listen to you? Not only did we not catch any fish, but you keep saying I saw a ghost. I tell you, I saw Jesus. He talked to me."
"There is no way."
"I saw him, too."
"You saw a ghost."
I stood in silence next to John, watching them try to untangle the net as they argued.
The wind came up, and waves rocked the boat.
"Great. Now, we will never catch anything. What are we going to do?"
"If Jesus was here, he'd know what we could do. He'd stop the wind. We'd have fish."
"But, he isn't," one of them said, as he threw down the net. He sunk down on the sand and put his head in his hands.
The longer I stood, the more frustrated I got. I was frustrated that they weren't all rejoicing. I was frustrated at the thought that those who hadn't seen him, thought Jesus was just a ghost, upset that those who did see him were doubting themselves. Was I fooling myself in thinking I had seen him? I was sure I wasn't. And yet...."
John put his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go. Let's go help them with the net."
I wanted to ask him if he believed, but I didn't want to know. I was hanging on to my memory of the Man who radiated and knew me. He was real, wasn't he?
"It's no use," one said. "We might as well just put the net back in the boat and go back."
"We can't go back empty-handed," John said, gritting his teeth.
"The wind is blowing, the water is rough, the net is so tangled we can't find an end. We are out of time for today. The sun is setting."
"Are you having trouble?" A fisherman walked along the sand, by the boat.
"You could say that." Frustrated voices echoed.
"Maybe I can help," he said as he walked toward the boat.
"I doubt it. We've been here all day with this net. The harder we try, the more tangled it gets. Who do you think you are, a magician?"
"No, not a magician, " he said.
He got ahold of the net and pulled one way, then another.
He looked at each man present, and smiled.
It is hard to describe what happened next, but I can say there was no more arguing. There was no more doubt.
A reverence came over each one of us and we fell to our knees and worshipped him.
We looked at him.
Copyright 2021 Diane Homm
Monday, April 12, 2021
Out of Time Part 3
I lay on my mat.
It was no use.
The restlessness, the hopelessness drove me to my knees. "Adonai!" I slammed my fists on the ground and screamed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
"My people have looked for Messiah and I was sure Jesus of Nazareth was the One!"
Thoughts of Mary his mother, ran through my mind. "He will rise again." Even though she was clearly heartbroken, she seemed to believe her words, the words he told her.
But, how? How could he raise himself from the dead? Why did he have to die? He was the Messiah. The soldiers mocked him, and said, "If you're the Messiah, why don't you save yourself!" Why didn't he? He raised Lazarus from the dead, that was true. But, to raise oneself from the dead? I did not understand how that would be possible.
I hid behind a row of bushes in my nauseated state. I was sick from grief, and I continued to wrestle with despair. How could this be true? How could Jesus be dead?
I wandered on the path to the tomb. I had to be near him, even if it was at the tomb where he lay.
I was jolted from my thoughts when two women ran up the path, almost knocking me over. as they rushed toward me.
They grabbed my shoulders as they shouted. "We saw him!"
They were breathless. Their faces were radiant, yet stained with tears as they continued.
"We saw him! Jesus! He is alive!"
I held on to one of the women. I struggled to get words out. "What do you mean, you saw him?"
"We went to the tomb to anoint his body, and the stone was rolled away! We walked in and his body was gone!"
Anyone who was there knew there was no way anyone could roll the stone away.
"Are you sure you are not deluded in grief?"
"We are sure," they both shouted at the same time. "We left the tomb, heartsick. Then, we saw him! He came to us! He spoke to us!"
"We are going to tell the others!" They ran off, as if they hadn't heard anything I said. If they did, my words didn't sway them.
I heard laughing and shouts of praise as they danced and ran down the path.
My head was spinning as I leaned against a nearby olive tree.
"Are you ok?" I saw the shadow of a man behind the tree.
"Yes. I am," I nodded.
"You don't seem ok," the man said.
I chuckled even though I wanted to cry, wanted to yell at him. How could he not know about Jesus?
"It is my Master. He was innocent. They killed him...my own people killed him. I don't know what I'm going to do without him." My body shook as I held back sobs.
"It was a very dark day," he said.
"Yes, it was. It was the worst day of my life. I watched. I didn't try to save him. I failed the man who loved me most. How can I go on? Time will never be the same." I shook my fist in the air. "I don't understand any of this. Then, these women came screaming up the path, saying such cruel words."
"What did they say?" The man asked.
I snickered. "They said they saw him. Isn't it enough that he is dead? Now these women are making a mockery of my Lord, Jesus of Nazareth, who I love."
"I see. That would seem cruel, " he said. "You are very confused."
"Yes. Yes, I am. Confused. Lost. Alone." I bent my head and tears came.
The man was silent for a minute.
He walked out from the shadow of the branches.
"It's ok. You are not lost. You are not alone. My mother spoke to you and said her son would rise again. She told you the truth."
At the sound of his voice, I looked at him.
Such splendor, and glory radiated from his whole being, that I fell to my knees and beheld my Master.
I saw the holes where the nails had been driven just days earlier.
"Master! Master!" Tears streamed down my face as I beheld Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
"It is you. It is true. You are alive!"
"I AM," he said.
Nothing mattered at that moment. My guilt, shame, sorrow and defeat were gone.
My Master lives!
I've got to tell somebody!
"You must tell everybody," he said as he smiled at me.
He laughed and as I blinked, he was gone.
I ran to catch up with the women.
"He's alive! He's alive! Just as he said! My Messiah lives!"
"He is alive!"
Copyright 2021.Diane Homm
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Out of Time Part 2
The last I remember, I was watching the followers of Jesus lead his mother away. "We will return early in the morning," they said as they leaned in close to her. As they left, I heard men arguing about the inscription above the cross. "Take it down! Change it! It should read, he CLAIMED to be the King of the Jews." A deep authoritative voice shouted back, "It shall remain as it is. It says what it says. 'Jesus of Nazareth. King of the Jews!' "
The air was still. I looked around. I must have wandered away from the cross, and leaned back against a stone, too exhausted to go any further, and fallen asleep. I dusted myself off and walked toward the cross.
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea held the ladder up against the cross where Jesus' lifeless body hung. There were others with them, including Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene. None of them spoke, but slowly and reverently removed the body of Jesus from the cross.
As one last tribute, Mary asked to hold her son, one more time. I couldn't imagine the pain, the heartache she must have felt, but she did not cry. She held a piece of linen with oils, and wiped his beaten and bloodstained face. She removed the thorny crown, as only a mother could, careful not to cause any pain to her child. She cradled his head in her lap, and kissed him. As he was anointed with oil, she was there, resolved to be with her son as long as she could. He was wrapped in linen cloth, and a strip was given to her.
She bound his head with the length of linen, and that is when she wept. She sobbed and rocked the son she knew was the Savior of the world.
The men carried the body, and Mary, Jesus' mother walked alongside Mary Magdalene. I don't know what came over me, but I ran and joined the procession.
"Mary, mother of Jesus," I said.
She looked at me with tears running down her face.
"I love your son. I know you don't know me. But, I followed him. I know he is the Messiah. He changed my life."
She reached out her hands and held mine in hers. "My son, the Messiah. Yes."
She looked into my eyes. "He is the most precious son a mother could have. I shared him with many. What he said was and is true."
I couldn't stop talking as we walked to the tomb that Joseph of Arimethea was providing for Jesus' body. "I saw him at the wedding at Cana. I had the early wine and heard when they ran out. I drank the new wine. It was a miracle! I heard all about it! I watched as Jesus interacted with the people there. He danced, he laughed and greeted people with such love."
"Yes. That is my son," Mary's eyes lit up through the tears.
We arrived at the tomb, and I backed away. It was a sacred time for those who were closest to him.
I marveled at the strength of his mother. I marveled that I knew of such a man as Jesus of Nazareth.
"Oh, that he had not run out of time. There is so much more to do, so many more need to know him..." I covered my face. Such a good man. What would happen now?
Mary touched my arm. "I overheard you."
I looked at the light in her eyes. "He said he would rise again."
I looked at the huge stone in front of the tomb. How could it be?
She smiled. "With man it is impossible. With God, all things are possible."
I couldn't help but smile back at the tear-stained face, glowing with hope.
"I believe," I told her.
She turned and walked away with those who sealed the tomb.
I couldn't believe the man called Jesus of Nazareth was dead, and lay in that tomb.
My heart was broken, and yet, her words stayed with me.
He will rise again.
copyright.2021.Diane Homm
Friday, April 2, 2021
Out of Time Part 1
Friday, January 1, 2021
Good bye 2020 Hello 2021
I say to you 2020 - Good bye.
As I look back I think of this excerpt from Tale of Two Cities - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way..... (Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens)
Oh, how the world turned in 2020 - wanting to maneuver our every mood, our every step. There were some things we could control, others - we could not.
2020 - A crazy person pulled a gun on my husband. Thankfully, God (and Caleb) intervened, and my husband wasn't shot in the chest at close range, where the assailant aimed. It was a trying and difficult time on our lives, in our marriage, but through it all, we remain steadfast, and have grown closer to each other and in our Lord. 2020...your evil schemes and lies didn't and won't win. 2020 - I am so blessed that my husband is still here.
2020 my best buddy Griz moved to heaven to be with Caleb. I hated that he got sick. But, I was glad he could be home. Griz passed in his sleep across the room from where we were sitting. I know he would have loved having me home 24/7 and I would have loved it, too. I didn't like that he had to pass, but 2020...he was too good for you.
We were blessed to receive Caleb's Honor and Remember Flag in a ceremony by the Earps, in our home. Erik Loyd and his mom and grandmother (from California!) were able to be here during the presentation. It was perfect.
We were able to attend the Run for the Fallen in Colorado Springs - Fort Carson and the Air Force Academy. Hearing Caleb's name being spoken along with so many others was so special. Being able to visit with some Gold Star Families was great.
2020 was definitely unprecedented. It was different, trying and frustrating at times. Through it all, there is One who remained steadfast - One who maintained a constant Truth in life. Jesus - the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
I know in our home, priorities have changed. Things that were thought of as important, no longer matter. Funny, that it was during the 'shutdown' that we stopped watching tv (well, when I think about it, it makes sense considering what was on!)
Oh, 2020, you came in and shook everything up all around the world. There was a hush that brought us to our knees. Our normal way of living was interrupted. Schedules and lifestyles and calendars were lost in confusion of the unknown.
But, in all of this, Jesus is still Lord. There is nothing that can separate us from His love. Forces of darkness and confusion can try to come, but He is the Light that overcame the darkness over 2000 years ago when He died on the cross and rose again on the third day.
Lord, You are Who is most important. You impressed on my heart over and over - II Chronicles 7:14. Humility. Repentance. Turning to You with all our hearts. KNOWING that You would hear, forgive, restore and heal.
Here we are.
2020. Your chapter is over.
Welcome 2021. We are prepared. We continue to pray. There is a trumpet call. A call for prayer and repentance around the world that continues to sound.
2021. A new beginning. A new era. We know the best is yet to come.
2021. Stay humble before the Lord Jesus. Seek His face daily. Walk in His Truth. Wait on Him and be still before Him. Praise Him for every blessing. Be not weary, but be diligent. Armor up everyday. Look to Him in all things and lean not to your own, or man's understanding!
Live each the moment.
We are here for such a time as this.
I leave you with these thoughts -
In 2021 may you see angels dancing across your ceiling, praising God for His victorious, living Word in your life- and may you witness warring angels airing on your behalf in the difficult areas of life. In 2021, may the sun shine brighter on difficult days, may hope reign in your heart o matter how things may look. In 2021, may that child way deep inside you, come out to play more often, and may childlike faith rise up in your heart. In 2021 may you think happy thoughts so you can fly above the things that try to keep you down. In 2021, may you recognize the beauty that is always around you, and in you. Be blessed. @dianehomm.2021