New Year's resolutions. Yes,I will! No,I won't! This year I really will. I am so serious this time. Work out, eat less, spend less, work more, work less. Read more, play less, no smoke, no drink, lose weight, be nice, break up. I resolve. I WILL keep these resolutions. I AM DETERMINED AND I WILL NOT FAIL!
Intentions are good. Our minds are made up. We have never been more serious.
We are hyped and do well for a time. Then, our wagon hits a bump and we fall off.
"No big deal,I can do this. I'll just get back on, tomorrow." We may or may not get back on tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that.
Oh well. It's human nature. We only live once. What's the big deal, anyway? I'll start again later. When our neighbor,(remember...the one we told about working out faithfully) asks, "How's it going?" We think she's being nosy and it's none of her business, anyway. Defenses go up as we huff into our house with a twelve pack of Cherry Pepsi and a box of Twinkies.
I am just as guilty as anyone. As I listened to others talk about resolutions, laughing about how long they would last, I wondered why it's so difficult to be faithful, longterm.
Resolution: a determination or resolve; to be determined to do something..firmness of purpose. There was a firmness in purpose. But, there was that determination every year.
How could this year be different?
I listened to a minister speak at a New Year's Eve service. The emphasis was committing to the things of God in 2010. 'Good idea..good resolution for the new year, I thought.
What about commitment? Commitment:loyalty, devotion,dedication.
I can make a resolution to change some aspect of my life for the New Year. I can do it. I can grit my teeth, pinch myself and make myself sick doing it. But,I can do it - for a time. Some have more tenacity than others and can stay miserable longer.
Commitment is deeper. Commitment takes a heart decision-remaining loyal. Loyalty is more binding than resolve.
In all my resolve, I fall short, feel guilty and give up.
When all my resolve caved in, is when I made a commitment to Jesus. All the resolve didn't change a thing. Committing my life to Jesus made all the difference! He came in and became what I needed.
Sometimes, I just don't have the ability in myself alone, but, with Jesus as my strength - all things are possible!
Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ, Who is my strength."
Number one commitment - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." (Proverbs 3:5)"Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:5)
Why do we think we can only resolve to change something - eat less, exercise more, read my Bible every day, whatever - only at the New Year? I like your Number One commitment - and I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Very thought provoking!
I'm surrounded by this at the Y right now. The gyms are full and the regulars are counting down until February when most resolve will fade. My motto for the month is "Every little bit counts (in eating, in moving, in writing, in loving). Thanks, Diane!