There are monsters.
Sometimes they hide in the closet..or under the bed. Sometimes they don't even hide - those blatant, rude, intruders. Sometimes it's right in the middle of the day, with no one in sight, and their voices interrupt my thoughts and peace of mind...trying to scare me witless.
'The nerve! Just when I am brave and nothing can scare me.... "Boo," just like that. As old (or young) as I am, I would think the days of scary monsters would be over....but, no.
They don't seem to want to give up. They seem to have all this time on their hands to investigate and delve into my secrets. For example,
I'm lying in bed...just getting ready to go to sleep and all of a sudden one of these monsters climbs up on my bed and whispers something. It may be just one little thing...then I can't sleep. Sometimes, I'm driving - usually in the city, and monsters climb in the back seat with their crude remarks about my ability to drive.
There was the day I was supposed to give a presentation in front of a relativeley small audience.Now, I've been speaking in front of people for a long time. The night before my speech, I went to bed and tried to sleep. This monster rose up on my bed. "What are you going to say?" "It's going to be horrible and everybody's going laugh." "You can't speak in front of're going to freeze and make stupid sounds."(Note: not even words...he said, I would be a babbling idiot).
I could be singing along, baking cookies or taking a walk. All of a sudden they sneak up on me and whisper stupid stuff....stuff that hasn't happened - 'but it could'.
I used to sit and cry. I used to pull the covers over my head and wish them away. Those monsters used to torment me till I could do nothing right. I couldn't even look in the mirror without their taunting.
Yeah, there are still monsters.
I have One over on them. 'Stupid monsters. Sure, they still try to trip me up. Like I said, they don't give up. Sometimes, they try really hard and I stumble...look over my shoulder; or have to stop and catch my breath, while chills run up my spine.
Sometimes, I'm not as quick as I should be, but I'm so much better than I used to be. I had some "Dealing with Monsters" training.
First, I got to know the Master Monster Terminator. I spend time with Him and have learned some pretty amazing things. Since I know Him, I can remind the monsters that Master Monster Terminator has their numbers - (He smashed the main monster years ago) and they turn and run. Master Monster Terminator has trained me with His Master Terminator weapons - and if I use the weapons when the monsters come around, they have to flee!
Sure, there are monsters....and they don't give up. But, they are pretty stupid to mess with Master Monster Terminator and His followers.
The Bible says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers and spiritual wickedness in high places. We must put on the whole armor of God...pray always and watch, diligently. Jesus took the keys from death and darkness. He gave us the victory!
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