A day to honor fathers.
Today, the role of a father is sometimes misunderstood. But, God's plan, is explained in Ephesians 6:4.
"Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them.
Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master." (The Message)
The father is to be the loving head of his family - the leader, the protector and provider -
a man walking close to God.
For centuries we have godly examples of the faith of our fathers.
In the Old Testament, Abraham is called the father of many nations. God spoke to Abraham and told him to pack up his family and move. God led him and his family to the promised land - Canaan. Abraham and his family were blessed abundantly for their obedience to God.

Early history of our country is filled with stories of our forefathers who left us a legacy of tradition and values. Many were like Abraham. They packed up their families and came to a new land - a land of promise, where they could worship God freely. Many of our forefathers believed in a land established on the Word of God, so much, they were willing to die - and many did. Today, many fathers are still dying for their belief in our country as a nation under God.
The faith that carries on today is rich and filled with promise. The fathers of old went through difficult, often severe times; but they held onto the faith that Jesus is Lord. His Word is true and He abides with us, no matter what. They were strong in the Lord and the power of His might. That faith is alive in our fathers today.
We are thankful for fathers who are willing to live the faith that endures and is victorious through Chrsit. We are thankful for fathers who love us and are willing to sacrifice and pass on to us the reality of a living God who is faithful.
Like the old song says, "Faith of our fathers! Living still. In spite of dungeon, fire and sword: Oh how our hearts beat high with joy, Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death!"
I love that hymn. Fathers are so important - thank you for the reminder!