Saturday, May 21, 2011


I hear the world is coming to an end...judgment day....rapture day....
today, May 21, 2011 - according to a minister and his math calculations.
What shall I do?

I hear people quit their jobs.
Businesses are offering after-rapture safe-keeping for pets, finances, etc.

Some say, "I'm not ready for everything to end. I've got a life to live!"
Others mock and make fun.

What do I think...
I've gone about my day.
Planted flowers, made some lunch. 'Getting gifts ready for tomorrow's high school grads.

Actually, at the beginning of day I had my quiet time.
'Read about David and Bathsheba today.
What a guy. Had an affair with Bathsheba. she gets pregnant.
Trying to cover his tracks, 'puts her husband on the front lines of battle to be killed.
The child he and Bathsheba have, dies. David repents, and worships God.

After all that, David and Bathsheba are blessed with a son - Solomon.

'Hardly seems fair.He did all those awful things.
Good thing it wasn't up to us.
God is merciful and forgiving.

Now, back to 'judgment day' happening today.
I haven't thought about it much.
'Not that I don't think it will ever happen. It will - someday.

We should be ready at any time.
Leaving this world should not be a dreaded, scary event.

There has been much discussion about the Judgment Day billboards.
There have been many questions.

Guess what. God loves us

It doesn't matter where you are right now.
"Judgment ... well, I"m lost anyway. 'No hope for me."
So not true.
Look at David.
God said David was a man after God's own heart.
He blew it many times, but he repented before his heavenly Father and was forgiven.
God saw past all his shortcomings, failure, sins, crimes, and saw his heart.

No matter how perfect we think we matter how many good deeds we do...
it's not our works or goodness that will get us to heaven.
It's Jesus' works and goodness.
Jesus paid it all.
All we need to do is repent of our sorry selves, ask His forgiveness and
accept Him as our Lord and Savior.

When the time comes, and it will someday; we will be ready.

There may not be a billboard to remind us.
But! His Word is our reminder.
Look up, and lift your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh! (Luke 21:28)

PS  If the rapture happens today I shall not be here tomorrow.

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