Tuesday, May 9, 2017

At first I wasn't sure what the name of the melody was.
I listened as the pianist and violinist played.
It was beautiful.
Then, I remembered.
I had sung this song at my first wedding.
Words filled in the melody, and it was all I could do
to sit.
Tears threatened to escape my eyes,
and memories
and thoughts flooded my mind.

"In His time, He makes all things beautiful
in His time...."
I remembered that young, naïve bride.
I was sure God could and would fix any and everything.
Everything was going to be fine - always.
After all, He is Almighty and I - His child.

You know the saying, "If I knew then, what I know now....."
Actually, it's probably a good thing I didn't know then, what I know now.
It would have been unbearable.

All things haven't been or worked out so beautifully.
My first marriage was difficult, to say the least, and ended in divorce.
The 'd' word was worse than cussing back then.
I was outcast, told I was going to hell because I was divorced.
Little did people know the life we had been living.

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