It's a busy life. It just is. I can't recall being or hearing, "I'm bored" for a long time. The only time I can recall being 'bored' was once when my flight was detained near the runway for three hours. I usually have a book with me wherever I go...well, not this time. I was flying nonstop from California to Colorado so I grabbed a magazine at the airport. I read the magazine from cover to cover. The lady sitting beside me had her book so she was not much for company. It was the longest three hours I have ever spent.
Life in general is busy and it's a good thing. We should be productive, 'living life' creatures. Most everyone I know is busy with something.
When Jesus was twelve, His family traveled to Jerusalem. On their way home, Mary and Joseph noticed He was missing, so they went back to Jerusalem where they found Jesus in the temple. When they questioned Him, He said, "I must be about my Father's business." He had a mission. He left that mission to us when He said, "Go and make disciples of all men..." Be busy about the Father's business. But what is it? How do we go about it?
Sometimes the busyness of life takes awy from the business of the Father.
We need to stop, spend time with our heavenly Father in prayer, meditating on the Word and just sitting in His presence - praising, worshipping and just being with Him. Then, His life and love will spill out to those around us. We will be in tune with the Holy Spirit and have the words to speak to someone in need. Our lives will draw others to Him - that is the Father's business.
Lord, there are so many hurting, lonely, lost people around us everyday. May we take the time to sit at Your feet, to be still and know that You are God. May we stop and walk along the still waters so You can restore our souls. May we be Your witnesses in a world that is lost without You. May we put Your business above our busyness. In Jesus' name Amen.
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