I love pictures of my family. I'm the mom with the camera - "Smile!" "Look over here!" Some of my kids are ok with my fanaticism, others merely tolerate picture taking. I love the memories. "Remember this?" I want to capture the moments I have with them. I want them to capture moments in their lives and send them to me. (Like the picture here, of my beautiful daughter - the one on the end, and her friends at a style show where they modeled their designer friend's clothes.) Why am I this way? Because I love to capture life as it happens! Our moments pass so quickly, sometimes they are like dreams. Pictures bring back the reality.
My heavenly Father is like that. He looks at us every day and says, 'Smile!' 'Look over here!' He loves to keep us ever before Him. He doesn't need a camera. He can see us. He loves to capture the moments with us. Why is He that way? Because He loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). Psalms 139 tells us God sees us and is with us everywhere! He loves us, wants to bless us and wants to share moments in life with us! Doesn't it make you want to smile?
Love the image of God capturing the "moments of our lives!" I'm sure some of them make Him laugh for hours.