The innkeeper was a reputable man. He owned the 'Hilton' of Bethlehem,a popular resting place. Once he heard the census of the entire Roman world was to be taken, he added more rooms to his inn, preparing for the descendants of King David to arrive. They were returning to their roots.
He followed every move of his hired help with a keen eye, wanting everything to be perfect. If he 'played his cards right' he knew the influx of people would build his reputation as an innkeeper, 'and then one day, I will be a rich man, a very rich man', he told himself.
At the same time, in Nazareth, a young couple, Joseph and Mary were getting ready to make the 70 mile journey to Bethlehem. "Oh, Mary," Joseph touched her round stomach, "I am sorry we have to make this trip, now, so close to the time for the birth of our child." Mary smiled and nodded. "Joseph, it is ok. I know the Lord will take care of us." Then she laughed. "I am worried about the donkey! Will he be able to carry me in this condition!" They both thought about that and laughed.
On their journey, Mary pondered, as she did everyday, what the angel said to her. She knew this baby's name would be Jesus. 'He will be great', the angel said. 'He will be called the 'Son of the Highest'. 'He will be given the throne of David. He will be the Holy, Son of God and His kingdom will never end'. It was overwhelming just to think about, let alone understand.
It took six days to get to Bethlehem. Anyone who began the journey with Joseph and Mary had gone on ahead. "I'm sorry, it's taking so long, Joseph," Mary said as she tried to get comfortable on the back of the donkey.
"Mary, I know we have to stop and rest. It is fine. Don't worry." Joseph looked at Mary, his heart full of love. An angel had assured him,the woman he married was called of God to give birth to a son, Jesus, and He would save His people from their sins.
People traveling to Bethlehem either stayed with family, or at an inn. Of course, the 'Hilton' of inns filled up quickly. The innkeeper smiled to himself as he sat in his own room. 'I, the innkeeper, deserve the best room,' he thought to himself. He sat in a chair fit for royalty,covered in velvet, with a high back. He looked at the nice bed, made for him and his wife. He couldn't wait to sleep in it.
"Joseph, I see Bethlehem. I pray we make it to an inn, soon. I am so tired... and, I have begun having contractions."
Joseph was a calm man and prayed that God would help them find a resting place, soon. He didn't want a lot of people listening to Mary while she was in labor, but he saw no way they could find a quiet room in an inn. A woman in labor would draw attention to herself. Joseph didn't want that for Mary. "My Lord..You will make a way," Joseph said to himself as they entered Bethlehem.
Since the journey had taken them so long,every inn was filled-NO VACANCY.
"There is the inn of Azariah. Word had it in Nazareth that he added many rooms for the census. That is the last place in Bethlehem, Mary." Joseph was weary from the long trip and from walking from inn to inn only to be turned away.
"The Lord will provide, Joseph," Mary felt the tightness of her stomach again and took in a deep breath, holding it until the contraction stopped. She would not worry Joseph by telling him the contractions were closer.
Joseph knocked at the door of the inn. Azariah was preparing for bed. "Who could that be?" He grumbled to his wife, who was already in bed. "Orphah, you check and tell them to go away. We have no more room," he growled.
Orphah pulled back the small door on the window and saw a very young couple. The girl was very pregnant and looked like she was in pain. Her heart went out to the couple.
"We are looking for a room. I know it is late, and I have a feeling our child will be born soon. Could you find room for us anywhere in your inn?"
Orphah wanted to say yes, but knew she had to talk to Azariah. "Stay, there. I will return shortly,' she said and went to the spacious room where Azariah was getting into bed.
"We can give them our bed, Azariah," Orphah begged her husband. "The young woman is so big with child. They need a bed and privacy. They will have both, here."
"No, woman. It will not be. I shall not give up my bed for these two strangers. I have worked hard. I am sleeping here. Now, go. Tell them to be on their way." When he saw that Orphah was in tears, he flung back his covers and stomped to the door himself.
"There is no room, here. None. Now be gone," he growled to the young man at the door.
"Sir, we are near time to having a baby."
"What is that to me?" Azariah spat at the young man. He had no use for the lineage of David and they didn't look like they could offer him due payment for his spacious room.
"Sir, it is very late. We don't need much - just a place to lay our heads. A place where my wife can give birth to our child." Joseph tried to reason with Azariah.
"Oh, be gone. Oh, go, then. I have a stable near the inn. Stay there for all I care. I am tired and in need of sleep. Sleep there." Azariah slammed the door on the window.
Joseph and Mary were elated at the privacy of the stable. It was warm and quiet...just what they needed.
In the meantime, Azariah lay down his head on his royal bed, thinking himself fit to be a king.
If only Azariah knew...the King of all Kings was born in a manger in his stable.
I have often heard the story, but never that way. Very neat. Thanks for sharing with me. =)
ReplyDeleteLove the innkeeper and wife dialog. Wonderful!