This is a very quiet morning - unusually quiet for our windy little town. Somehow I get the feeling there are angels on assignment here. I'm sure of it.
They are everywhere this morning. They are beside beds, standing beside breakfast tables. They are standing in hallways and livingrooms. As magnificent as they are, they are unseen. But, they are present.
Angels... in the power of silence, are ministering comfort and strength. They go forth with compassion and whisper words of hope as they lean over and catch the tears, fears, questions falling from hearts, worn with the shortcomings of this world.
Angels, on mission from heaven, sent to breathe unspeakable peace and love to the lost and hurting with invisible embraces that can be felt yet not touched.
Angels, God's messengers of His Word of Love to a world, so needy, so loved.
There is a hush of gentle encouragement in our midst today, touching brokeness in understanding.
In the quietness of our souls, our hurts and sorrows lay bare, God cares. He knows.
They are here. Most definitely. These angels on assignment.
Nice. Beautiful.