"The Savior, yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born in Bethlehem, the city of David...."
You know the story.
I've heard it ever since I can remember.
You probably have too.
I've heard the Christmas carols you've heard, too.
"Silent night, holy night, all is calm all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy Infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace."
Every year I wonder at the wonder of it all...
How this little baby, born so long ago can still impact the life of man.
I love how the little baby Jesus ushered peace into a world so in need.
The armies of heaven praised God saying "Glory to God in highest heaven and peace on earth..." (Luke 2:14).
He, the Christ child, the Savior brought it with Him.
Months back I wrote about my son,who was going in for surgery*.
Well, it was postponed, till this week.
A few mornings before the surgery my devotional verse was, "My peace I give to you. My peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives do I give, but my peace I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27). The New Living Translation says it this way: "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."
Immediate peace washed over me.
And it stayed.
Surgery is over.
It went well.
Through it all, God's peace kept me.
His peace is with me now.
His peace is available.
Find a quiet place in your heart.
It is there.
It's ours - this peace.
No matter what or where.
His peace.
He gives it to us, and reminds us of it every year.
Go ahead.
It started with the baby in the manger.
*(In my blog archives 7/7/10-My Quiver is Full. A testimony of my son's faith.)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Take the fun and run
I'm like a kid at Christmas.
I love everything about it.
I must say,
my husband was taken by surprise our first Christmas season together,.
We had been married three months at Thanksgiving - still in early adjustment stages.
Immediately following Thanksgiving I began decorating.
"What are you doing." My new husband said.
"Well, decorating for Christmas! We need to get the tree up.' I smiled.
"What do you mean, put the tree up. It's too early."
"Oh no. I always start decorating around Thanksgiving. It takes time, you know."
Husband was in shock.
"It's not Christmas yet." He said.
"Well, when would you put the tree up." I said.
"Not till Christmas Eve."
I was shocked.
I put the tree up. I couldn't stand it. I had to.
Husband shook his head.
The tree was just the beginning.
The family room was the commencement.
Did I mention I love Christmas.
I go from room to room, decorating.
There's the tree in the family room, and another in the livingroom.
There's greenery on top of the bookcases.
Greenery on the piano.
A couple of beautiful nativity sets.
Santas and snowmen and angels.
There is meaning to my madness.
What a wonderful time of year.
Two thousand some years ago my Savior chose to come to this earth to shed His light in our lives.
He chose to bring His eternal life to this world.
It's a small thing I do.
For me it is a celebration of one of the greatest events in history (the other is Easter).
Christ the King was born!
My Messiah, Savior, Lord.
I get excited.
It is a holiday that is meant to be enjoyed.
It brings hope, peace and goodwill to all men.
Now, my daughter is married.
We talked the other night.
She has her tree up (I think she has two, actually).
Her husband shook his head.
She told him it's just the beginning....
Some traditions are meant to be passed down.
In my home, it's Christmas in every room.
Celebrate the Light.
Celebrate the Life.
My daughter has the idea.
Now, lets have a little Christmas, right this very moment.
Pass on the fun and celebrate.
I love everything about it.
I must say,
my husband was taken by surprise our first Christmas season together,.
We had been married three months at Thanksgiving - still in early adjustment stages.
Immediately following Thanksgiving I began decorating.
"What are you doing." My new husband said.
"Well, decorating for Christmas! We need to get the tree up.' I smiled.
"What do you mean, put the tree up. It's too early."
"Oh no. I always start decorating around Thanksgiving. It takes time, you know."
Husband was in shock.
"It's not Christmas yet." He said.
"Well, when would you put the tree up." I said.
"Not till Christmas Eve."
I was shocked.
I put the tree up. I couldn't stand it. I had to.
Husband shook his head.
The tree was just the beginning.
The family room was the commencement.
Did I mention I love Christmas.
I go from room to room, decorating.
There's the tree in the family room, and another in the livingroom.
There's greenery on top of the bookcases.
Greenery on the piano.
A couple of beautiful nativity sets.
Santas and snowmen and angels.
There is meaning to my madness.
What a wonderful time of year.
Two thousand some years ago my Savior chose to come to this earth to shed His light in our lives.
He chose to bring His eternal life to this world.
It's a small thing I do.
For me it is a celebration of one of the greatest events in history (the other is Easter).
Christ the King was born!
My Messiah, Savior, Lord.
I get excited.
It is a holiday that is meant to be enjoyed.
It brings hope, peace and goodwill to all men.
Now, my daughter is married.
We talked the other night.
She has her tree up (I think she has two, actually).
Her husband shook his head.
She told him it's just the beginning....
Some traditions are meant to be passed down.
In my home, it's Christmas in every room.
Celebrate the Light.
Celebrate the Life.
My daughter has the idea.
Now, lets have a little Christmas, right this very moment.
Pass on the fun and celebrate.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Go ahead. Make your day.
It may seem a little early to be thinking Christmas, but I love the season.
I'm the mom who played Christmas carols in July before it was the thing to do.
Thinking about Christmas, and yes I'm playing Christmas carols; I was overcome with joy.
I was standing in my dining room, and
His presence came in like a big hug.
Indeed, my cup runneth over.
The love of God is shed abroad in my heart with gratitude.
Oh joy to the world. The King has come.
How humbling to think the great God of the universe loved me so much.
Like the words to an old hymn, "What wondrous love is this, oh my soul."
He picked me up out of darkness so great I couldn't see light.
He gave me life when it seemed that all was lost.
He filled me with His joy unspeakable and full of glory.
I am amazed and thankful everyday, for the life He has blessed me with.
There is a story of a man, a greeter in a church, who loved praise and worship, raising his hands and dancing to the praise music. During the greeting he would hug everyone. But, some people were offended by his smell. So, the board of the church took him aside and spoke to him. They thought he had been saved long enough, he should be more mature.
He told them he couldn't help himself. Everyday was a special gift from God to him, for God had delivered him from years of alcoholism. The joy he was filled with when he was first saved was new every morning. He was so thankful for the life God had given him through Christ.
The wonders of God are new everyday. It takes my breath away!
I think Thanksgiving and Christmas are closely related.
'So much to be thankful for. I can start at Thanksgiving and continue celebrating through Christmas.
So, what's my story?
I tried to reach God with religion and works. At the end of myself He saved me.
Through the years of following Him there have been times of dark tunnels of tribulation. He has proven that He is faithful - always.
He has made a way when there didn't seem to be a way.
He has been my provider, always on time.
He has been my healer when doctors were at a loss.
He has been my peace, when trouble was all around.
He has been my strength when I had none.
He has been my friend - always.
David in the Bible was so overtaken by the blessings of his Lord, that he danced with all his might, right in the middle of all downtown! (II Samuel 6:14)
Overcome with joy? You bet. Like David, like the church greeter, I will dance.
I will sing.
There is none like our God: Emmanuel-God with us, El Shaddai-All sufficient One, Jehovah Eloheenu-the Lord our God, Jehovah Jireh - God my provider, Jehovah Shalom-God my peace, Jehovah Nissi-the Lord my banner of victory, Jehovah Rophe-the Lord my health/my healer. He is Adonai - my Lord, my Master.
He makes all things new again!
He is worthy of our praise.
Let's be thankful!
It 's ok.
Go ahead, sit back, relax, have a cup of coffee. Let Him hug you with His presence, as you sit, all wrapped up in a blanket of His love.
It may seem a little early to be thinking Christmas, but I love the season.
I'm the mom who played Christmas carols in July before it was the thing to do.
Thinking about Christmas, and yes I'm playing Christmas carols; I was overcome with joy.
I was standing in my dining room, and
His presence came in like a big hug.
Indeed, my cup runneth over.
The love of God is shed abroad in my heart with gratitude.
Oh joy to the world. The King has come.
How humbling to think the great God of the universe loved me so much.
Like the words to an old hymn, "What wondrous love is this, oh my soul."
He picked me up out of darkness so great I couldn't see light.
He gave me life when it seemed that all was lost.
He filled me with His joy unspeakable and full of glory.
I am amazed and thankful everyday, for the life He has blessed me with.
There is a story of a man, a greeter in a church, who loved praise and worship, raising his hands and dancing to the praise music. During the greeting he would hug everyone. But, some people were offended by his smell. So, the board of the church took him aside and spoke to him. They thought he had been saved long enough, he should be more mature.
He told them he couldn't help himself. Everyday was a special gift from God to him, for God had delivered him from years of alcoholism. The joy he was filled with when he was first saved was new every morning. He was so thankful for the life God had given him through Christ.
The wonders of God are new everyday. It takes my breath away!
I think Thanksgiving and Christmas are closely related.
'So much to be thankful for. I can start at Thanksgiving and continue celebrating through Christmas.
So, what's my story?
I tried to reach God with religion and works. At the end of myself He saved me.
Through the years of following Him there have been times of dark tunnels of tribulation. He has proven that He is faithful - always.
He has made a way when there didn't seem to be a way.
He has been my provider, always on time.
He has been my healer when doctors were at a loss.
He has been my peace, when trouble was all around.
He has been my strength when I had none.
He has been my friend - always.
David in the Bible was so overtaken by the blessings of his Lord, that he danced with all his might, right in the middle of all downtown! (II Samuel 6:14)
Overcome with joy? You bet. Like David, like the church greeter, I will dance.
I will sing.
There is none like our God: Emmanuel-God with us, El Shaddai-All sufficient One, Jehovah Eloheenu-the Lord our God, Jehovah Jireh - God my provider, Jehovah Shalom-God my peace, Jehovah Nissi-the Lord my banner of victory, Jehovah Rophe-the Lord my health/my healer. He is Adonai - my Lord, my Master.
He makes all things new again!
He is worthy of our praise.
Let's be thankful!
It 's ok.
Go ahead, sit back, relax, have a cup of coffee. Let Him hug you with His presence, as you sit, all wrapped up in a blanket of His love.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Hand to the plow, man!
'Ever have those days where it seems the line to heaven is quiet.
This last week was that way.
God was very quiet, which is fine.
But, I like to hear His voice.
Today He started talking again.
I listened.
When He wants to get a message across
He can.
He used my quiet time, my devotional,
the computer, the radio...the Bible.
Luke 9:62, "Anyone who puts his hand to the plow and look back is not fit for the Kindgom of God."
I'm not planning on looking back. No sir.
He was talking to me about decisions.
"Don't waiver on decisions."
When we make a decision for Christ, we are willing to take the appropriate action.
Making a committed decision is to be willing to take the risk.
Jumping in the water when you don't know how deep it is.
He spoke to me about not looking back. Not being afraid.
When He calls us to do something, He doesn't show us the whole map. We don't always get a job description including hours and vacation days.
It's more like Abraham.
"Pick up your tent. Leave what is familiar and follow Me."
"Just follow Me."
'Pretty vague,but very clear.
I believe when God calls us to do something we have a passion for it.
It is a desire of our hearts.
Sometimes that means letting go of something else.
Passion is about today.
Passion must never be feared.
He spoke to me.
"Press forward with the passion."
Ok, then.
There is no peace greater than knowing we are where He wants us to be.
What Jesus asks us to do brings life.
I know these sayings to be true.
He simply likes to remind us sometimes, that we are on the right track.
He encourages us to keep on going.
It may seem ludicrous to others, but its' ok.
I heard a message on the radio talking about passion and pressing forward.
Sometimes there are sacrifices made to be in His will.
But, sacrifices bring good things.
I wasn't discouraged about where He has me.
It does seem bigger than me.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
I need Him all the time.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
He wants us to commit.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
I heard, too, "commitment - do not be detoured."
Now, that is me.
Sometimes, I have been detoured.
I'm committed.
But, I need to discipline my commitment.
Sigh. I am guilty.
Sometimes I can get sidetracked...on the phone, online, doing this or that.
In Christ there is no condemnation.
I am encouraged to press on.
Plowing on.
God has a plan.
The best place on earth is to be where He leads.
My prayer, "Lord, I thank You that You love us so much. You believe in us so much, You are not willing to leave us where we are. You stretch us. You have plans that are bigger than we are. I thank You for that. Oh, the plans You have for us are for good, not for evil, to give us a hope and a future. What an exciting life, with You. You are so good. Thank You. In Jesus name, Amen."
This last week was that way.
God was very quiet, which is fine.
But, I like to hear His voice.
Today He started talking again.
I listened.
When He wants to get a message across
He can.
He used my quiet time, my devotional,
the computer, the radio...the Bible.
Luke 9:62, "Anyone who puts his hand to the plow and look back is not fit for the Kindgom of God."
I'm not planning on looking back. No sir.
He was talking to me about decisions.
"Don't waiver on decisions."
When we make a decision for Christ, we are willing to take the appropriate action.
Making a committed decision is to be willing to take the risk.
Jumping in the water when you don't know how deep it is.
He spoke to me about not looking back. Not being afraid.
When He calls us to do something, He doesn't show us the whole map. We don't always get a job description including hours and vacation days.
It's more like Abraham.
"Pick up your tent. Leave what is familiar and follow Me."
"Just follow Me."
'Pretty vague,but very clear.
I believe when God calls us to do something we have a passion for it.
It is a desire of our hearts.
Sometimes that means letting go of something else.
Passion is about today.
Passion must never be feared.
He spoke to me.
"Press forward with the passion."
Ok, then.
There is no peace greater than knowing we are where He wants us to be.
What Jesus asks us to do brings life.
I know these sayings to be true.
He simply likes to remind us sometimes, that we are on the right track.
He encourages us to keep on going.
It may seem ludicrous to others, but its' ok.
I heard a message on the radio talking about passion and pressing forward.
Sometimes there are sacrifices made to be in His will.
But, sacrifices bring good things.
I wasn't discouraged about where He has me.
It does seem bigger than me.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
I need Him all the time.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
He wants us to commit.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
I heard, too, "commitment - do not be detoured."
Now, that is me.
Sometimes, I have been detoured.
I'm committed.
But, I need to discipline my commitment.
Sigh. I am guilty.
Sometimes I can get sidetracked...on the phone, online, doing this or that.
In Christ there is no condemnation.
I am encouraged to press on.
Plowing on.
God has a plan.
The best place on earth is to be where He leads.
My prayer, "Lord, I thank You that You love us so much. You believe in us so much, You are not willing to leave us where we are. You stretch us. You have plans that are bigger than we are. I thank You for that. Oh, the plans You have for us are for good, not for evil, to give us a hope and a future. What an exciting life, with You. You are so good. Thank You. In Jesus name, Amen."
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Life's this way.
"I'm loving my life." She smiled at me.
"But, this is how it happened." She smiled again.
We sat on the park bench and
she told me
her story:
"We met in college.
Both with dreams and bright futures.
Scholarships and ability.
I was swept away.
He was charming, good-looking and very thoughtful.
He sent me flowers and bought me gifts.
Such a gentleman.
He seemed to good to be true.
He said he loved me.
I believed him.
Then, it happened...
Nice girls don't get pregnant.
But, I did.
The doctor said sometimes those things happen.
A little close is too close.
I called him, knowing he would be there for me.
He was.
He came right over.
He wondered what people would think. After all, he was a star quarterback,
and had plans for his future. He had a scholarship to maintain.
I didn't understand.
I was a cheerleader, and had plans for my future, too.
So what..
How could any of that matter.
We were going to have a baby.
He looked at me.
'Make it easy on us.
Get an abortion.'
All of a sudden, I didn't know him at all.
Abortion had not entered my mind.
No, I hadn't considered abortion.
Nor would I.
He left.
I cried.
He didn't come back.
I had my baby, and I never looked back.
Evidentally, he didn't either.
But, it's ok."
A little boy came bounding to his mommy, holding a pink rose.
"Look, Mommy...for you."
The beautiful rose bush stood against the playground fence.
How could he resist.
I smiled at the young mom as she sat her little boy on her lap.
His arms around her neck, he placed his chubby little hands on her face.
"I love you, Mommy."
Tears welled up as I watched the two.
"You did the right thing," I touched her hand, his little head.
"I know," she smiled.
I got up and continued on my walk.
The young mom had something the world could never take away.
Little hands might have never touched her face,
had she made it easy for 'us' as the young man had said.
But, she didn't.
Maybe it was unplanned, a surprise.
No baby is a mistake.
I got up and walked away.
I understood,
very well.
"But, this is how it happened." She smiled again.
We sat on the park bench and
she told me
her story:
"We met in college.
Both with dreams and bright futures.
Scholarships and ability.
I was swept away.
He was charming, good-looking and very thoughtful.
He sent me flowers and bought me gifts.
Such a gentleman.
He seemed to good to be true.
He said he loved me.
I believed him.
Then, it happened...
Nice girls don't get pregnant.
But, I did.
The doctor said sometimes those things happen.
A little close is too close.
I called him, knowing he would be there for me.
He was.
He came right over.
He wondered what people would think. After all, he was a star quarterback,
and had plans for his future. He had a scholarship to maintain.
I didn't understand.
I was a cheerleader, and had plans for my future, too.
So what..
How could any of that matter.
We were going to have a baby.
He looked at me.
'Make it easy on us.
Get an abortion.'
All of a sudden, I didn't know him at all.
Abortion had not entered my mind.
No, I hadn't considered abortion.
Nor would I.
He left.
I cried.
He didn't come back.
I had my baby, and I never looked back.
Evidentally, he didn't either.
But, it's ok."
A little boy came bounding to his mommy, holding a pink rose.
"Look, Mommy...for you."
The beautiful rose bush stood against the playground fence.
How could he resist.
I smiled at the young mom as she sat her little boy on her lap.
His arms around her neck, he placed his chubby little hands on her face.
"I love you, Mommy."
Tears welled up as I watched the two.
"You did the right thing," I touched her hand, his little head.
"I know," she smiled.
I got up and continued on my walk.
The young mom had something the world could never take away.
Little hands might have never touched her face,
had she made it easy for 'us' as the young man had said.
But, she didn't.
Maybe it was unplanned, a surprise.
No baby is a mistake.
I got up and walked away.
I understood,
very well.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Skater
It's true...
I stood on my daddy's skates as he glided around the rink, when I was three.
I was his princess and I was on top of the world.
My daddy could've been an olympic figure skater...he was an awesome skater.
So, I learned to skate when I was three, skated in the middle of the rink with other beginners, and enjoyed watching my parents as they danced on their skates.
I clicked and clacked down the sidewalk in my green skates; waiting for the day I would be old enough to go to the skating rink by myself.
When I was probably in the sixth grade, the day came and I flung my skates (white, adult skates) over my shoulder and entered the skating rink, alone.
I loved the exhilarated feeling of the wheels whirring beneath my feet, as I raced around the curves on the shiny floor.
I loved feeling my hair fly as I sped past other skaters.
I loved the music, and the sound of other skates whirling around me.
I was at home.
When I was skating I was enough.
More than enough...
I was never afraid to go by myself. I knew I'd see friends there - or I'd make new ones.
I was sure of myself.
At one point, the lights in the rink were turned down low, and a colored ball would light up and flash different colors.
That meant it was couple skating time.
I wasn't afraid of being left out.
I would be asked to skate.
I wasn't afraid of falling and feeling stupid.
What confidence!
I didn't think about being too ugly, or too spindly (I was a skinny kid).
I was having fun.
It was enough.
I was enough.
I remember.
I marvel at that young girl.
What happened to the
"I'm enough" girl.
Where did she go.
I know what happened.
The skating rink closed.
I grew up.
Life happened, with disappointment and broken dreams and several broken hearts.
I wasn't enough anymore.
I lost my confidence.
I didn't believe in me anymore.
But, guess what.
Something happened.
Life has a way of happening.
I'm glad.
I got a brand new pair of roller skates.
I'm learning, from my Father in heaven who specializes in broken people,
that I am enough.
He's teaching me the skate of life...
I'm His princess.
He lets me stand on His skates as He teaches me how to skate
with confidence.
Sometimes, we skate together...side by side.
What a wonderful thing,
as I learn more and more of His unfailing love,
I know I am enough.
I can feel my hair flying back as I whiz around the corners, twirling, skating, dancing.
It is enough, because He is enough.
And, to Him, I am enough,
just because He said so.
Monday, October 4, 2010
My all together perfect wedding day
Ahhh, I know how they can be.
The planning can be trying..downright difficult, filled with flub-ups and downs.
The wedding may consist of mistakes only the wedding party knows about.
But, then there's the wedding....
the perfect wedding!
Yes...I'm going to share....
My all together perfect wedding day!
I had waited all my life for this day.
I looked in the mirror and thought,
yes. This is it.
My dress was beautiful, white, flowing...simple but elegant.
My floor-length veil was in place with a wreath of tiny crystals.
I was ready.
As I made my way to the foyer, I lifted my bouquet of
red and white roses and took a deep breath of the sweetness
one more time.
"This is it," the small voice whispered in my heart.
Yes, it is. I whispered to myself.
I had never been so sure of anything in my life.
I stepped into the church and was overcome with
the love and beauty around me.
Candleabra lit up the platform...candles were lit at every pew...with white flowing
tull draped from pew to pew.
It was like a dream.
It was my dream.
Only it was real.
It had come true.
All of it.
He was there.
The one who loved me most.
The one who knew me best.
He wanted to share his life with me.
He looked at me with the look that said,
'It's you. Yes, it's you...and how I love you."
The music started and I began the slow waltz down the aisle -
the white runner
sprinkled with red and white rose petals.
This was my day.
I was beautiful.
I was loved.
It was perfect.
When I reached the altar, he took my hand.
He looked into my eyes and said,
"Forever. I love you. Forever."
I looked into his eyes, the love of my life.
This was our day.
The day we had planned and looked forward to.
It was so right.
"I love you, too. Forever," I whispered to him.
We stood, facing each other...holding hands,
smiling and gazing into each other's eyes.
"I do...forever, and ever, my Love," he whispered to me.
"I do...forever, and ever, my Love," I whispered with all my heart.
I blinked.
Then, I woke up.
I was so disappointed.
It all looked so real.
I rubbed my eyes and lay rolled up in my blankets.
I wanted to cry.
I had never experienced anything so perfect...
so absolutely, beautifully, flawless.
"Shhh," I heard.
"It's ok. Really,"
"It is real," the Voice spoke in my heart.
"You are My bride.
You are beautiful.
You are the love of my life.
I will meet you.
I will.
Be strong, my Love.
I am preparing.
I can't wait.
I will come.
We will meet, face to face.
And I do.
I love you...
forever and
You are
the love of My life."
Ahhh, I know how they can be.
The planning can be trying..downright difficult, filled with flub-ups and downs.
The wedding may consist of mistakes only the wedding party knows about.
But, then there's the wedding....
the perfect wedding!
Yes...I'm going to share....
My all together perfect wedding day!
I had waited all my life for this day.
I looked in the mirror and thought,
yes. This is it.
My dress was beautiful, white, flowing...simple but elegant.
My floor-length veil was in place with a wreath of tiny crystals.
I was ready.
As I made my way to the foyer, I lifted my bouquet of
red and white roses and took a deep breath of the sweetness
one more time.
"This is it," the small voice whispered in my heart.
Yes, it is. I whispered to myself.
I had never been so sure of anything in my life.
I stepped into the church and was overcome with
the love and beauty around me.
Candleabra lit up the platform...candles were lit at every pew...with white flowing
tull draped from pew to pew.
It was like a dream.
It was my dream.
Only it was real.
It had come true.
All of it.
He was there.
The one who loved me most.
The one who knew me best.
He wanted to share his life with me.
He looked at me with the look that said,
'It's you. Yes, it's you...and how I love you."
The music started and I began the slow waltz down the aisle -
the white runner
sprinkled with red and white rose petals.
This was my day.
I was beautiful.
I was loved.
It was perfect.
When I reached the altar, he took my hand.
He looked into my eyes and said,
"Forever. I love you. Forever."
I looked into his eyes, the love of my life.
This was our day.
The day we had planned and looked forward to.
It was so right.
"I love you, too. Forever," I whispered to him.
We stood, facing each other...holding hands,
smiling and gazing into each other's eyes.
"I do...forever, and ever, my Love," he whispered to me.
"I do...forever, and ever, my Love," I whispered with all my heart.
I blinked.
Then, I woke up.
I was so disappointed.
It all looked so real.
I rubbed my eyes and lay rolled up in my blankets.
I wanted to cry.
I had never experienced anything so perfect...
so absolutely, beautifully, flawless.
"Shhh," I heard.
"It's ok. Really,"
"It is real," the Voice spoke in my heart.
"You are My bride.
You are beautiful.
You are the love of my life.
I will meet you.
I will.
Be strong, my Love.
I am preparing.
I can't wait.
I will come.
We will meet, face to face.
And I do.
I love you...
forever and
You are
the love of My life."
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I've Been Everywhere Man
Where have I been.
I've been everywhere, man. Oh Yeah, I've been everywhere.
Like Johnny Cash sang, "Crossed the desert's bare, man. I've breathed the mountain air, man.
I've been everywhere."
I cannot say I have been everywhere, man;
but, this summer I feel like I've traveled the desert's bare.
The desert.
It is not fun. Sometimes, the heat is unbearable! It is uncomfortable. It can be a difficult walk. The desert may seem a little extreme and perhaps it is; but, it seemed a good analogy of those times...
Times when feelings want to get in the way... when I've had to say...
"Ok, Lord. I don't understand; but, I trust You."
The desert.
Sometimes things are difficult.
Sometimes things happen.
It's the world we live in.
No doubt about that.
My road this summer...
Dealing with the death of a friend...difficult.
Dehydration is not a joke...how could I "forget" to drink enough water?
Misunderstanding from someone I considered a friend...sad.
Listening to the news, thinking about a country founded on God's Word..desperate prayers to an all-knowing God.
That desert feeling of wandering aimlessly, when I have no doubt God has a plan.
Yet, sometimes feeling (there's that word) frustrated at not seeing it clearly, NOW!
Even though I've walked the desert bare, man, I've also 'breathed the mountain air, man.'
That's the thing about walking with my Shepherd.
He leads me along still waters and restores my soul.
There is nothing more theraupeutic than a trip to the Rocky Mountains;breathing
in fresh mountain air...gazing at the majestic peaks and sighing
at the magnificence of our God the Creator.
I had some wonderful experiences this summer.
'Been blessed to have two of my sons home for one more summer.
Had visits from my daughter, her husband and my oldest son, his girlfriend and her sweet three year old.
-Watched "Despicable Me" with my favorite twin 18 year olds - in 3D!
Shared wonderful times with writer friends at the Broadmoor
Shared sweet visits with my girlfriends.
Sat in the quiet, and watched meteor showers with my wonderful husband.
Campaigned for a friend and shared her victory.
The list could go on...
When I look at all the good things, I can see so clearly. . .
It is the everyday things that bless. It is the people in our lives...the air we breathe; the time we share.
Thank You, Jesus; Sweet Jesus.
He makes all things new again.
Every morning.
Great is His faithfulness.
I've been everywhere, man. Oh Yeah, I've been everywhere.
Like Johnny Cash sang, "Crossed the desert's bare, man. I've breathed the mountain air, man.
I've been everywhere."
I cannot say I have been everywhere, man;
but, this summer I feel like I've traveled the desert's bare.
The desert.
It is not fun. Sometimes, the heat is unbearable! It is uncomfortable. It can be a difficult walk. The desert may seem a little extreme and perhaps it is; but, it seemed a good analogy of those times...
Times when feelings want to get in the way... when I've had to say...
"Ok, Lord. I don't understand; but, I trust You."
The desert.
Sometimes things are difficult.
Sometimes things happen.
It's the world we live in.
No doubt about that.
My road this summer...
Dealing with the death of a friend...difficult.
Dehydration is not a joke...how could I "forget" to drink enough water?
Misunderstanding from someone I considered a friend...sad.
Listening to the news, thinking about a country founded on God's Word..desperate prayers to an all-knowing God.
That desert feeling of wandering aimlessly, when I have no doubt God has a plan.
Yet, sometimes feeling (there's that word) frustrated at not seeing it clearly, NOW!
Even though I've walked the desert bare, man, I've also 'breathed the mountain air, man.'
That's the thing about walking with my Shepherd.
He leads me along still waters and restores my soul.
There is nothing more theraupeutic than a trip to the Rocky Mountains;breathing
in fresh mountain air...gazing at the majestic peaks and sighing
at the magnificence of our God the Creator.
I had some wonderful experiences this summer.
'Been blessed to have two of my sons home for one more summer.
Had visits from my daughter, her husband and my oldest son, his girlfriend and her sweet three year old.
-Watched "Despicable Me" with my favorite twin 18 year olds - in 3D!
Shared wonderful times with writer friends at the Broadmoor
Shared sweet visits with my girlfriends.
Sat in the quiet, and watched meteor showers with my wonderful husband.
Campaigned for a friend and shared her victory.
The list could go on...
When I look at all the good things, I can see so clearly. . .
It is the everyday things that bless. It is the people in our lives...the air we breathe; the time we share.
Thank You, Jesus; Sweet Jesus.
He makes all things new again.
Every morning.
Great is His faithfulness.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
time for a shoot out
The Woman had this invisible 'fat, ugly' doll.
Fat Ugly Doll followed her everywhere.
She lay in bed at night thinking about Fat Ugly Doll. When she woke up she didn't want to look in the mirror because all she saw was Fat Ugly Doll.
She didn't like to go out in public because of Fat Ugly Doll. She thought everyone saw this big doll when they looked at her.
When her husband came home, she greeted him, hoping he wouldn't notice. She went to bed before he did,trying to hide Fat Ugly Doll; but when he came to bed, she just knew all he saw was Fat Ugly.
Actually, Woman tried, several times to get Fat Ugly Doll to move out, but Fat would cry and throw fits. Sometimes it appeared that Ugly really had left. The woman would be elated, only to find her hiding in the closet of clothes that didn't fit...or in the cupboard behind the cereal. Fat Ugly Doll could be a whiner, a diner, a charmer, a tormentor, and a bully.
What was Woman going to do...She had tried every trick in the book. But, Fat Ugly Doll would not buy into any of it. She stayed and made Woman's life miserable.
"Fat Ugly Doll!" Woman screamed one day. "I've had enough! I can't take this anymore. You have to leave. This is it." Woman sat and looked at herself - Fat was right there, as usual.
There had to be a way to be rid of the ugliness once and for all.
Then, Woman remembered an old friend. He said she should call if she ever needed him. If ever there was a time, this was it.
He came right over.
He said, "I have just the thing to get rid of them. Fat Ugly Dolls used to torment me, too."
He pulled out his laser Lord of Light/Sword of the Spirit/Word of God, and spoke of the blood of Jesus and he piereced Fat Ugly Doll with his laser. She deflated slowly, shriveling up till she was flat on the floor....like a pancake.
Woman was set free. She whirled and twirled and danced for joy.
"Free at last!"
Now, Woman wears what she wants, goes where she will, visits, shares her talents with no fear, laughs, sleeps well; and...most of all, when she looks in the mirror she can finally see the beautiful person she has always been - no Fat Ugly Doll standing in her way, whispering lies in her ear.
Fat Ugly Dolls are real. We've all had one or more....at one time or another, or now and always.
They barge in on life when we least expect it and plan on staying forever...to make us feel less than we are.
They may come as insecurity, fear, timidity or because of something horrible that has happened.
One may be speaking right now. "You are fat. You are ugly." Or maybe, "You are not accepted. You will never be successful." "Nobody really loves you." "You've made so many stupid decisions you might as well just 'fahgetaboutit'.
Fat Ugly Dolls don't have anything good to say. They try to convince us that we need them. We can't survive without them...even though they abuse us in one way or another, we have to keep them...we have no choice. Anyway, that's what they say...but, that's a lie.
I'm learning...I don't have to keep the Fat Ugly Doll around. I have the weapons of Life at my disposal.
Look in the mirror and smile. Take the laser of the Lord and pierce the deflatable heart that constantly taunts.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Take time for you.
Get to know the wonderful person you were created to be.
Focus on the road of life God has put before you.
Help yourself to the goodness in His Word that tells the love story of God's great love for you.
Shoot the fat ugly doll.
It doesn't belong to you.
Fat Ugly Doll followed her everywhere.
She lay in bed at night thinking about Fat Ugly Doll. When she woke up she didn't want to look in the mirror because all she saw was Fat Ugly Doll.
She didn't like to go out in public because of Fat Ugly Doll. She thought everyone saw this big doll when they looked at her.
When her husband came home, she greeted him, hoping he wouldn't notice. She went to bed before he did,trying to hide Fat Ugly Doll; but when he came to bed, she just knew all he saw was Fat Ugly.
Actually, Woman tried, several times to get Fat Ugly Doll to move out, but Fat would cry and throw fits. Sometimes it appeared that Ugly really had left. The woman would be elated, only to find her hiding in the closet of clothes that didn't fit...or in the cupboard behind the cereal. Fat Ugly Doll could be a whiner, a diner, a charmer, a tormentor, and a bully.
What was Woman going to do...She had tried every trick in the book. But, Fat Ugly Doll would not buy into any of it. She stayed and made Woman's life miserable.
"Fat Ugly Doll!" Woman screamed one day. "I've had enough! I can't take this anymore. You have to leave. This is it." Woman sat and looked at herself - Fat was right there, as usual.
There had to be a way to be rid of the ugliness once and for all.
Then, Woman remembered an old friend. He said she should call if she ever needed him. If ever there was a time, this was it.
He came right over.
He said, "I have just the thing to get rid of them. Fat Ugly Dolls used to torment me, too."
He pulled out his laser Lord of Light/Sword of the Spirit/Word of God, and spoke of the blood of Jesus and he piereced Fat Ugly Doll with his laser. She deflated slowly, shriveling up till she was flat on the floor....like a pancake.
Woman was set free. She whirled and twirled and danced for joy.
"Free at last!"
Now, Woman wears what she wants, goes where she will, visits, shares her talents with no fear, laughs, sleeps well; and...most of all, when she looks in the mirror she can finally see the beautiful person she has always been - no Fat Ugly Doll standing in her way, whispering lies in her ear.
Fat Ugly Dolls are real. We've all had one or more....at one time or another, or now and always.
They barge in on life when we least expect it and plan on staying forever...to make us feel less than we are.
They may come as insecurity, fear, timidity or because of something horrible that has happened.
One may be speaking right now. "You are fat. You are ugly." Or maybe, "You are not accepted. You will never be successful." "Nobody really loves you." "You've made so many stupid decisions you might as well just 'fahgetaboutit'.
Fat Ugly Dolls don't have anything good to say. They try to convince us that we need them. We can't survive without them...even though they abuse us in one way or another, we have to keep them...we have no choice. Anyway, that's what they say...but, that's a lie.
I'm learning...I don't have to keep the Fat Ugly Doll around. I have the weapons of Life at my disposal.
Look in the mirror and smile. Take the laser of the Lord and pierce the deflatable heart that constantly taunts.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Take time for you.
Get to know the wonderful person you were created to be.
Focus on the road of life God has put before you.
Help yourself to the goodness in His Word that tells the love story of God's great love for you.
Shoot the fat ugly doll.
It doesn't belong to you.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
My quiver is full
Keeping it real...
Sometimes it is not so easy. I like to keep things to myself in a tightly wound ball of 'everything-is-ok'.
I'm good at that.
Frankly, I'm not all that 'ok' right now.
My son is going in for surgery in a few days.
It is something that has been scheduled for quite some time - it isn't a surprise.
My son...well, he is playing the piano as I write. He is a wonderful composer.
He rushes to the family room to watch his favorite team, the Rockies beat the Cardinals. Woo Hoo!
He is at peace and isn't concerned.
Actually, I have been in prayer about the surgery for a while.
I'm not fearful.
I know we serve a great God and He will be with my son.
It is just the idea of knowing my child is going 'under the knife'. He will experience discomfort and will not be having a great time. Yes, he's my child -a little older than a teen-ager; but the age doesn't matter - a child is always a child to the parent.
He laughs and says, "It'll be like fasting for forty days, Mom." 'Very true. He will be on a liquid diet for six weeks.
Jesus fasted and prayed for forty days in the wilderness.
Forty days...six weeks...
'Funny that he is the one who thought of it.
I marvel at my son's faith. He is a testimony to me right now.
As a mom, I don't want my children to go through 'stuff'. I want things to go well with them. It hurts when they have to go through 'stuff'.
Yet, I know.
I know.
It's life. It's how we all grow.
All of us. . .
The good thing.....I know Who I trust. I know Who my children trust.
I know that God's grace is sufficient.
I know He has never failed us.
I know.
There is great comfort in His Word.
I know.
I read the Psalms.
He is my shepherd. I shall not want for anything-I have peace of mind in troubled times; rest instead of worry. I have assurance that He is with my children when I cannot be. He is all they need in their times of need, just as He is all I need.
I am encouraged knowing my son is confident in His Savior, Jesus Christ.
What more could I want.
Psalms 127:35 says, "Sons are a heritage of the Lord, a reward from Him."(New International Version). I like The Message - "Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb. His generous legacy?" Psalm 127:35.
'Know what?
I am ok.
I am humbled.
I am a blessed mom.
I see the fruit of the Lord in my children.
Sometimes it is not so easy. I like to keep things to myself in a tightly wound ball of 'everything-is-ok'.
I'm good at that.
Frankly, I'm not all that 'ok' right now.
My son is going in for surgery in a few days.
It is something that has been scheduled for quite some time - it isn't a surprise.
My son...well, he is playing the piano as I write. He is a wonderful composer.
He rushes to the family room to watch his favorite team, the Rockies beat the Cardinals. Woo Hoo!
He is at peace and isn't concerned.
Actually, I have been in prayer about the surgery for a while.
I'm not fearful.
I know we serve a great God and He will be with my son.
It is just the idea of knowing my child is going 'under the knife'. He will experience discomfort and will not be having a great time. Yes, he's my child -a little older than a teen-ager; but the age doesn't matter - a child is always a child to the parent.
He laughs and says, "It'll be like fasting for forty days, Mom." 'Very true. He will be on a liquid diet for six weeks.
Jesus fasted and prayed for forty days in the wilderness.
Forty days...six weeks...
'Funny that he is the one who thought of it.
I marvel at my son's faith. He is a testimony to me right now.
As a mom, I don't want my children to go through 'stuff'. I want things to go well with them. It hurts when they have to go through 'stuff'.
Yet, I know.
I know.
It's life. It's how we all grow.
All of us. . .
The good thing.....I know Who I trust. I know Who my children trust.
I know that God's grace is sufficient.
I know He has never failed us.
I know.
There is great comfort in His Word.
I know.
I read the Psalms.
He is my shepherd. I shall not want for anything-I have peace of mind in troubled times; rest instead of worry. I have assurance that He is with my children when I cannot be. He is all they need in their times of need, just as He is all I need.
I am encouraged knowing my son is confident in His Savior, Jesus Christ.
What more could I want.
Psalms 127:35 says, "Sons are a heritage of the Lord, a reward from Him."(New International Version). I like The Message - "Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb. His generous legacy?" Psalm 127:35.
'Know what?
I am ok.
I am humbled.
I am a blessed mom.
I see the fruit of the Lord in my children.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Faith of our Fathers
Father's Day.
A day to honor fathers.
Today, the role of a father is sometimes misunderstood. But, God's plan, is explained in Ephesians 6:4.
"Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them.
Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master." (The Message)
The father is to be the loving head of his family - the leader, the protector and provider -
a man walking close to God.
In the New Testament, a good example of a godly father, was Joseph. He was chosen by God, to be Jesus' earthly father. He was a man of faith, who listened to God. He kept his family safe, when Herod wanted to kill all male babies because he heard the Messiah had been born. Even though we don't read a lot about Joseph, we know he was a man who loved Jesus and spent time with him; after all, Jesus was known as the carpenter's son.
The faith that carries on today is rich and filled with promise. The fathers of old went through difficult, often severe times; but they held onto the faith that Jesus is Lord. His Word is true and He abides with us, no matter what. They were strong in the Lord and the power of His might. That faith is alive in our fathers today.
We are thankful for fathers who are willing to live the faith that endures and is victorious through Chrsit. We are thankful for fathers who love us and are willing to sacrifice and pass on to us the reality of a living God who is faithful.
Like the old song says, "Faith of our fathers! Living still. In spite of dungeon, fire and sword: Oh how our hearts beat high with joy, Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death!"
A day to honor fathers.
Today, the role of a father is sometimes misunderstood. But, God's plan, is explained in Ephesians 6:4.
"Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them.
Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master." (The Message)
The father is to be the loving head of his family - the leader, the protector and provider -
a man walking close to God.
For centuries we have godly examples of the faith of our fathers.
In the Old Testament, Abraham is called the father of many nations. God spoke to Abraham and told him to pack up his family and move. God led him and his family to the promised land - Canaan. Abraham and his family were blessed abundantly for their obedience to God.

Early history of our country is filled with stories of our forefathers who left us a legacy of tradition and values. Many were like Abraham. They packed up their families and came to a new land - a land of promise, where they could worship God freely. Many of our forefathers believed in a land established on the Word of God, so much, they were willing to die - and many did. Today, many fathers are still dying for their belief in our country as a nation under God.
The faith that carries on today is rich and filled with promise. The fathers of old went through difficult, often severe times; but they held onto the faith that Jesus is Lord. His Word is true and He abides with us, no matter what. They were strong in the Lord and the power of His might. That faith is alive in our fathers today.
We are thankful for fathers who are willing to live the faith that endures and is victorious through Chrsit. We are thankful for fathers who love us and are willing to sacrifice and pass on to us the reality of a living God who is faithful.
Like the old song says, "Faith of our fathers! Living still. In spite of dungeon, fire and sword: Oh how our hearts beat high with joy, Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death!"
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's a doggone good day
Every morning I go through my to do list.
To do...what to do...what to do first?
I decided to mow our overgrown lawn, even though I really wanted to go to the gym. 'Better mow while it's still cool,I thought.
Mowing is good for my soul. I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I see the lines of freshly mowed grass.
I pray, reflect and listen to my ipod.
This will be good, I thought. It's been a difficult week and even though the 'elephant' (as my friend Lori calls that feeling) of loss (the heaven home going of a friend) is still in my heart, there is a smile.
I felt better today.
I was at peace...I was ready to spend my quiet time mowing.
The dogs followed me to the garage to get the mower.
I was already in 'reflection' mode and was looking forward to my 'mow' time.
Griz ran into the middle of the yard.....he had to do his business.
I came inside and got a bag...cleaned up his mess.
I returned to the mower, ready to begin.
Kaylee ran into the yard....
You guessed it.
So, I came back inside and got another bag.
Ok...now I can begin, I thought.
I went to the mower - it wouldn't start.
The dogs started chasing each other in circles right where I would be mowing, if I could get the mower started.
I stopped trying to start the mower for a minute; reviewed the situation and started to laugh.
I put the dogs inside.
I thanked the Lord for His peace. His joy. For humorous situations.
I did grumble a little when I picked up the first 'pile' - as if Griz thought, 'Aha! She's going to mow...now's my chance to poop.'
When Kaylee followed suite, I had to reflect and see the humor.
So the mower won't start.
It's going to be a good day.
To do...what to do...what to do first?
I decided to mow our overgrown lawn, even though I really wanted to go to the gym. 'Better mow while it's still cool,I thought.
Mowing is good for my soul. I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I see the lines of freshly mowed grass.
I pray, reflect and listen to my ipod.
This will be good, I thought. It's been a difficult week and even though the 'elephant' (as my friend Lori calls that feeling) of loss (the heaven home going of a friend) is still in my heart, there is a smile.
I felt better today.
I was at peace...I was ready to spend my quiet time mowing.
The dogs followed me to the garage to get the mower.
I was already in 'reflection' mode and was looking forward to my 'mow' time.
Griz ran into the middle of the yard.....he had to do his business.
I came inside and got a bag...cleaned up his mess.
I returned to the mower, ready to begin.
Kaylee ran into the yard....
You guessed it.
So, I came back inside and got another bag.
Ok...now I can begin, I thought.
I went to the mower - it wouldn't start.
The dogs started chasing each other in circles right where I would be mowing, if I could get the mower started.
I stopped trying to start the mower for a minute; reviewed the situation and started to laugh.
I put the dogs inside.
I thanked the Lord for His peace. His joy. For humorous situations.
I did grumble a little when I picked up the first 'pile' - as if Griz thought, 'Aha! She's going to mow...now's my chance to poop.'
When Kaylee followed suite, I had to reflect and see the humor.
So the mower won't start.
I'll go out and try again in a little bit.
It's all good. . .. I thank the Lord for giving me a few chuckles.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The bitter not better
Did I hear You right?
Yes, He was talking to me.
It was that still small voice, but it came through loud and clear.
And it was in King James. "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled."
The Message says it this way: "Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time."
He had my attention.
I lay in bed (I woke up to that still small voice...that verse running through my mind) thinking - Wow, God. Have I allowed bitterness in my heart somewhere? (yes, I do talk to God that way).
I asked Him to show me where it started, since it wasn't a sermon where I could look around and say, "Hmmm..wonder who that could be."
He was speaking directly to me.
God is so faithful.
I thought of little things that someone said that rubbed me the wrong way. 'Probably untintentional..we humans are that way...saying things without thinking. But I resented it.
I thought back a little...there was the time, I was sure I was being left out, ignored - and it hurt.
Resntment? Bitterness? Little things just seemed to bother me, out of nowhere (of course, to me, it was somewhere).
Bitterness blinds. Like a weed, it chokes out the beauty around, if it can.
It starts out a seed, but if not caught in time, it grows and spreads.
God is my Father.
I am His child.
Sometimes He has to pull the slack in on me...reign me in...sit me down
in time-out, so I will listen.
But, I needed it - a 'heart' adjustment.
'Ever had one of those tiny stickers in your finger? It hurts for a while, then kind of goes away. You forget about it, till it hurts again. But, if you don't get it out, it continues to fester..at some point causing infection. That's how a little bitterness in the heart can be...unnoticeable at first...but then.....Well, you get the picture.
How I need my Savior.
I need Him all the time.
Do you know what I mean?
My Father; I am humble before Your throne. I am ever so grateful that I have access to Your throne through Jesus and because of His blood. I thank You that You love me so much, that You are not willing that I should wander. If You seem far away, Lord, I know it's not You. It's me. I thank You for speaking to me by Your Word and Holy Spirit. Thank You for forgiving me and rstoring me by Your grace. Hallelujah! I am free to love. I am free to give. Thank You for joy and peace restored.
I love You, Lord.
In Jesus' name.
Did I hear You right?
Yes, He was talking to me.
It was that still small voice, but it came through loud and clear.
And it was in King James. "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled."
The Message says it this way: "Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time."
He had my attention.
I lay in bed (I woke up to that still small voice...that verse running through my mind) thinking - Wow, God. Have I allowed bitterness in my heart somewhere? (yes, I do talk to God that way).
I asked Him to show me where it started, since it wasn't a sermon where I could look around and say, "Hmmm..wonder who that could be."
He was speaking directly to me.
God is so faithful.
I thought of little things that someone said that rubbed me the wrong way. 'Probably untintentional..we humans are that way...saying things without thinking. But I resented it.
I thought back a little...there was the time, I was sure I was being left out, ignored - and it hurt.
Resntment? Bitterness? Little things just seemed to bother me, out of nowhere (of course, to me, it was somewhere).
Bitterness blinds. Like a weed, it chokes out the beauty around, if it can.
It starts out a seed, but if not caught in time, it grows and spreads.
God is my Father.
I am His child.
Sometimes He has to pull the slack in on me...reign me in...sit me down
in time-out, so I will listen.
But, I needed it - a 'heart' adjustment.
'Ever had one of those tiny stickers in your finger? It hurts for a while, then kind of goes away. You forget about it, till it hurts again. But, if you don't get it out, it continues to fester..at some point causing infection. That's how a little bitterness in the heart can be...unnoticeable at first...but then.....Well, you get the picture.
How I need my Savior.
I need Him all the time.
Do you know what I mean?
My Father; I am humble before Your throne. I am ever so grateful that I have access to Your throne through Jesus and because of His blood. I thank You that You love me so much, that You are not willing that I should wander. If You seem far away, Lord, I know it's not You. It's me. I thank You for speaking to me by Your Word and Holy Spirit. Thank You for forgiving me and rstoring me by Your grace. Hallelujah! I am free to love. I am free to give. Thank You for joy and peace restored.
I love You, Lord.
In Jesus' name.
Friday, May 28, 2010
A Doggy Tale
I told myself I could watch the movie...it would be ok. I knew how it ended, so I would be prepared.
I watched "Marley and Me", the story of the world's worst dog...anyway that is what his owner said. I laughed at Marley's antics...I cried when, after years of being a part of the family, he died.
His owner said, 'Marley, you are not the world's worst dog..you were the best dog.'
I have dogs of my own, so I totally understand why they kept Marley around. Those who don't like dogs...well, I can be pretty sure they would say, "I'd just get rid of that dog...it's just a dog."
Again, I say
I had a pet when I was little, probably like four years old. But, I remember him...Tippy, my collie, left home and didn't come back. My parents said, that's what dogs do when they are going to die. I decided I didn't think I wanted a dog ever again...it was too sad.
So, I had a cat. She was a big yellow fur ball. When I went away to college, she got kidney stones and died. I didn't have a serious pet till six years ago.
Kaylee came into our lives - a little shelty-heeler mix. I wasn't sure about her at first...but, I couldn't help but like the little furry puppy. She seemed to smile at us and loved chasing and rolling over a basketball. She was a lot of fun. She had so much energy, she didn't seem to ever get tired. She won her way into my heart.
Then, two years ago, my Marine son asked if I would watch his puppy.
Of course!
He was coming to Colorado for training, so I drove to the airport, where I met him and a kenneled puppy.
He had googly eyes that seemed to wander this way and that. His googly, sad eyes won me over, immediately. Griz, the brindle, boxer-American bulldog mix wandered into my heart.
Griz came home and became my buddy. He helped me through my Marine son's deployment to Afghanistan with Recon. His sad, droopy eyes were so understanding. Kaylee was supportive, too, and would come up and want to give me a 'lick' of encouragement...but since my son had brought Griz a few months before deployment, he was like a present for that particular time.
A couple of years ago, when my nest was empty of all five children, I had Kaylee and Griz to keep me company. They followed me from room to room. When I settled somewhere, they sat at my feet.
They have their own personalities. Kaylee is more of a watch dog than Griz. However, Griz can just stand at the door and when people see him, they want to run. But....
they are the friendliest dogs...I think they think they are people and are the official home greeters.
I'm a little nostalgic after watching the Marley movie.
I am thankful God made dogs. They really can win your heart.
They are so entertaining and yet, they can sense how you're feeling.
Dogs love unconditionally. They are very forgiving. They are faithful and committed.
Kaylee and Griz are always happy to see me!
They have wonderful traits.
If I feel overwhelmed, I look at my dogs (by the way, my son has allowed me to adopt Griz...bless his heart)
They look at me like they trust completely.
They know they are taken care of, with not a care in the world.
So like I should be with my Master.
I know it's how I should be, too. 'So trusting...knowing my Master knows my name; knows my needs.
I need to take lessons from my dogs.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I am humbled and blessed.
Lord, I praise You, today. You took me out of darkness and set me in Your wonderful light. You replaced loneliness with your presence. You took my broken heart and gave me a new heart. You took the brokenness of my life and made me whole. You took my uncertainties and gave me a hope and a future. You released me from my fears and filled me with your love - your love casts out fear. You took the lack in my life and filled me to overflowing. You replaced my limitations with faith - with faith nothing is impossible. You took me from depression and gave me joy - unspeakable and full of glory. You took the crooked places and made them straight. You made my blind eyes see, my deaf ears hear. You took me from the beggarly elements of this life and set me in heavenly places with You.
You are altogether wonderful and great. There is none like You, my God. You are my high tower and my refuge. You are my hiding place. You are my peace, my joy, my love.
I will ever praise You. Early in the morning, I will lift my voice on high and seek You, my Lord.
I am overcome. To think that You, the Almighty God of the universe, chose me, loved me and knew me, before the foundations of the earth. It is too big for me to comprehend.
How can I NOT praise you! You are Magnificent and altogether lovely. My Lord. My God.
I will serve You forever and ever, my Prince of Peace, my King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
My Jesus, My Lord, My Savior.
Lord, I praise You, today. You took me out of darkness and set me in Your wonderful light. You replaced loneliness with your presence. You took my broken heart and gave me a new heart. You took the brokenness of my life and made me whole. You took my uncertainties and gave me a hope and a future. You released me from my fears and filled me with your love - your love casts out fear. You took the lack in my life and filled me to overflowing. You replaced my limitations with faith - with faith nothing is impossible. You took me from depression and gave me joy - unspeakable and full of glory. You took the crooked places and made them straight. You made my blind eyes see, my deaf ears hear. You took me from the beggarly elements of this life and set me in heavenly places with You.
You are altogether wonderful and great. There is none like You, my God. You are my high tower and my refuge. You are my hiding place. You are my peace, my joy, my love.
I will ever praise You. Early in the morning, I will lift my voice on high and seek You, my Lord.
I am overcome. To think that You, the Almighty God of the universe, chose me, loved me and knew me, before the foundations of the earth. It is too big for me to comprehend.
How can I NOT praise you! You are Magnificent and altogether lovely. My Lord. My God.
I will serve You forever and ever, my Prince of Peace, my King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
My Jesus, My Lord, My Savior.
Monday, May 3, 2010
And then there is life after life
Being transparent, part 2.
Another perspective on death
Death makes people uncomfortable.
We went to a memorial service Saturday. Very touching. Hearbreaking.
As often as death occurs, we never feel at home with it. Anyway, I don't. It is so final...so sudden..so mysterious.
In my previous blog I said I didn't like that lives are cut short. Yet, I said, there is life after death.
Yes, there is.
There is a place called heaven. I know there is, without a doubt. I used to think when we arrived there we would sit on clouds and play harps...forever. I thought - Boring! I couldn't imagine sitting on a cloud for eternity.
However, that was before I knew anything about heaven. God's Word describes it in the book of Revelation, the twenty-first chapter. Heaven is beautiful! It is marvelous! It is a city...with gates made of pearl and streets made of gold.It's foundation is laid in precious stones. Wow. There are millions of people there -angels singing and praising God! God's very presence lights it up. There will be no more night and no more sorrow, pain or suffering.
There are mansions there. I've got friends and family there. The more time marches on, the more people I know who are in heaven.
Imagine the huge reunion there will be over there.
I am reminded of times that were so wonderful I didn't want them to end. In heaven, wonderful times will be forever.
The best of times we have had here, will be even better, there.
There is everything to look forward to in heaven.
Who wouldn't want to go?
'One thing for certain...it is possible to know that's where we're going.
The Bible says, you must be born again in order to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3).
It is true. It is what the Bible says.
'No one comes to the Father except through Me,'(John6:65) "He that believes in me hath everlasting life (John 6:47). However, just because we don't witness a person coming to the Father doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
One day my Uncle Pat was workinng in his yard and suffered a heart attack. While he waited for the ambulance, he faded in and out of consciousness. At one point he looked at my Aunt Mary and said, "It is so beautiful Momma. You should see it... it is so beautiful." Then he died.
This happened years ago, when I was a young Christian. I was certain you had to answer an altar call to be saved. You had to be in the right church and do the right things. My Uncle Pat wasn't a regular church goer. The church he belonged to didn't teach salvation. Yet, I know he is in heaven. I have no doubt.
God uses altar calls. I've prayed with many people who have gone forward during an altar call. Yes, it is important to be in a church where salvation is taught and God's Word is brought forth.
Yet, I know God reaches people where they are. There are people who give their hearts to Jesus, while watching a TV program. Jesse Duplatnis gave his life to Jesus watching Billy Graham. Others are alone, desparate when they call out to Him. I was one of the 'alone'.
A Catholic priest answered my questions about the meaning/ purpose of this life and asked if I had given my life to Jesus. When I said I hadn't, he said that was what I needed to do. I remember going home, a nineteen year old with a broken heart, lying on my bed and crying to Jesus. My prayer - 'Take my life Jesus and live in me. Change my life. I give it to You.' I felt a peace I had never known. My life has never been the same.
I know one thing....God is in the business of saving lives. He sent His Son Jesus and He paid the ultimate price by dying for our sins. God uses extreme measures to seek and save the lost (those without hope). He goes the extra mile to reach people, so they will experience eternal life.
Even to that last breath, I know He calls.
I believe right before death, many respond. Yes, I believe.
PS Why gamble and take the chance...Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). He is the ticket to heaven - paid in full...eternity guaranteed!
Ah....for heavenly days!
Another perspective on death
Death makes people uncomfortable.
We went to a memorial service Saturday. Very touching. Hearbreaking.
As often as death occurs, we never feel at home with it. Anyway, I don't. It is so final...so sudden..so mysterious.
In my previous blog I said I didn't like that lives are cut short. Yet, I said, there is life after death.
Yes, there is.
There is a place called heaven. I know there is, without a doubt. I used to think when we arrived there we would sit on clouds and play harps...forever. I thought - Boring! I couldn't imagine sitting on a cloud for eternity.
However, that was before I knew anything about heaven. God's Word describes it in the book of Revelation, the twenty-first chapter. Heaven is beautiful! It is marvelous! It is a city...with gates made of pearl and streets made of gold.It's foundation is laid in precious stones. Wow. There are millions of people there -angels singing and praising God! God's very presence lights it up. There will be no more night and no more sorrow, pain or suffering.
There are mansions there. I've got friends and family there. The more time marches on, the more people I know who are in heaven.
Imagine the huge reunion there will be over there.
I am reminded of times that were so wonderful I didn't want them to end. In heaven, wonderful times will be forever.
The best of times we have had here, will be even better, there.
There is everything to look forward to in heaven.
Who wouldn't want to go?
'One thing for certain...it is possible to know that's where we're going.
The Bible says, you must be born again in order to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3).
It is true. It is what the Bible says.
'No one comes to the Father except through Me,'(John6:65) "He that believes in me hath everlasting life (John 6:47). However, just because we don't witness a person coming to the Father doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
One day my Uncle Pat was workinng in his yard and suffered a heart attack. While he waited for the ambulance, he faded in and out of consciousness. At one point he looked at my Aunt Mary and said, "It is so beautiful Momma. You should see it... it is so beautiful." Then he died.
This happened years ago, when I was a young Christian. I was certain you had to answer an altar call to be saved. You had to be in the right church and do the right things. My Uncle Pat wasn't a regular church goer. The church he belonged to didn't teach salvation. Yet, I know he is in heaven. I have no doubt.
God uses altar calls. I've prayed with many people who have gone forward during an altar call. Yes, it is important to be in a church where salvation is taught and God's Word is brought forth.
Yet, I know God reaches people where they are. There are people who give their hearts to Jesus, while watching a TV program. Jesse Duplatnis gave his life to Jesus watching Billy Graham. Others are alone, desparate when they call out to Him. I was one of the 'alone'.
A Catholic priest answered my questions about the meaning/ purpose of this life and asked if I had given my life to Jesus. When I said I hadn't, he said that was what I needed to do. I remember going home, a nineteen year old with a broken heart, lying on my bed and crying to Jesus. My prayer - 'Take my life Jesus and live in me. Change my life. I give it to You.' I felt a peace I had never known. My life has never been the same.
I know one thing....God is in the business of saving lives. He sent His Son Jesus and He paid the ultimate price by dying for our sins. God uses extreme measures to seek and save the lost (those without hope). He goes the extra mile to reach people, so they will experience eternal life.
Even to that last breath, I know He calls.
I believe right before death, many respond. Yes, I believe.
PS Why gamble and take the chance...Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). He is the ticket to heaven - paid in full...eternity guaranteed!
Ah....for heavenly days!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The short end of life....
Being transparent in this bubble of life...
Sometimes life hurts. Sometimes I don't understand and don't have answers.
I know life happens and so does death. Personally, I don't like death. It stinks.
A few weeks ago we had a sick calf. I stood over him while the vet gave him a shot. I petted him and told him it was going to be ok. I prayed for him (yes, I pray for animals). A few days later my husband told me the calf died. I wanted to cry.
A few days ago my husband called to tell me a friend of ours died. No warning..he was driving his tractor, had a heart attack and died. He was not old.
We visited him a few weeks ago. He laughed and told us about his plans as we walked through corrals. He was an entrepreneur and always had some new idea brewing. He enjoyed life.
I don't like death. It shouldn't have come and taken his life.
There are people who want to die...they are alone and just want to leave this ol' world. There are people who want to live and see their kids grow up...who aren't ready to die...not yet.
My kids and I have talked about such situations -why do some people linger.. maybe they aren't ready to meet their Maker...we don't know. Why do the young die? We don't know. Sometimes we can speculate...but to really know... I don't think so.
When Lazarus died, his sisters cried out to Jesus. "If you would've been here, our brother wouldn't have died." Jesus told them, "He will rise again." They cried anyway. "We know that someday we will see him. But, we want him alive, now!"
Of course, in that story, Lazarus was raised from the dead.
I believe people can be raised from the dead. Smith Wigglesworth prayed for the dead and they came back to life. It happens.
Death wasn't on God's mind for us in the beginning...it is one of the results of sin. However, Jesus overcame death and the grave when He went to the cross and rose again.
There is living to be done. I don't like it when death comes and cuts it short. I just don't. Twenty, thirty,forty, fifty, sixty years old - all too young in my opinion.
Today is difficult. It just is. I know my God reigns. I know there will come a day with no more tears... no more pain...no more good byes. We will see Jesus. He will wipe away every tear.
There will be no more death.
However, as difficult as it is now, I know there is hope...even in death. Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
And the wind bloweth
Aaahhh, what a peaceful, easy feeling! Birds are singing. The air is fresh and it is still, still, still. The scene would be complete if Glenda the Good Witch of the North would appear and munchkins would walk out from under the bushes, singing, "We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild..we wish to welcome you to Munchkin Land".
I must be somewhere other than home. I should call Auntie Em. She could tell me it was just a dream.
The wind blew nonstop for at least forever, probably two or three days...or was it more. It wasn't just wind, it was ferocious. Anything not nailed down, flew away.
Our neighbor's fence lies helpless, in their neighbor's yard. A farmer on facebook said, "I found a plastic water tank, some feed buckets, a feed trough without a frame. 'Gotta hide that stuff before the nieghbors start looking for it..' (location: nowhere near here...). The wind is why my friend cut her long locks to a carefree two inches. It is the reason I don't grow tomatoes upside down, hanging in a cute topsy-turvy bag on my patio.
Yesterday, the wind blew from this Colorado town, next to the Kansas border, to Parker Colorado. I fought to stay on the highway. It would have been easier to be carried away like Dorothy and Toto- in the air - in my home.
I was hoping the wind would die down when it was time to drive back to the Kansas border. It did - in Denver. The closer I got to home, the harder the wind blew. The closer I got, the more weather alerts I heard - 'tornadoes, high winds, rain, hail.' It was a challenge driving against the wind, trying not to be sucked in by semi trailer trucks.
I pulled in my driveway, forced my way out of my vehicle, and into my home. Disheveled, and exhausted, I sighed. There really is no place like home. The wind blew, the rain and hail came...but I was safe. My husband was home and like Dorothy, I wanted to say, "This is my room and you're here and I'm not gonna leave here, ever, ever again!"
I used to wonder, why the wind blew. Ok...there are countless articles on wind energy. There are wind generators, wind turbines, windmills. I know, sailboats,and windsurfers need wind. The wind reduces smog, and helps with pollination..it's an invisible thermostat for our planet. Good....I love a cool breeze on a summer evening.
Sometimes, the wind over-does it. It is pretty inconsiderate. It can be annoying and such a nuisance...like, "I'm going to make sure you know I'm here. I'm not leaving and there's nothing you can do about it..."
When we got married, my husband told me he would love me as long as the wind blows and the grass grows.
I'm glad he loves me.
When the wind blows, like it does., I'm reminded of his promise.
I know I'm set for a lifetime of his love.
I must be somewhere other than home. I should call Auntie Em. She could tell me it was just a dream.
The wind blew nonstop for at least forever, probably two or three days...or was it more. It wasn't just wind, it was ferocious. Anything not nailed down, flew away.
Our neighbor's fence lies helpless, in their neighbor's yard. A farmer on facebook said, "I found a plastic water tank, some feed buckets, a feed trough without a frame. 'Gotta hide that stuff before the nieghbors start looking for it..' (location: nowhere near here...). The wind is why my friend cut her long locks to a carefree two inches. It is the reason I don't grow tomatoes upside down, hanging in a cute topsy-turvy bag on my patio.
Yesterday, the wind blew from this Colorado town, next to the Kansas border, to Parker Colorado. I fought to stay on the highway. It would have been easier to be carried away like Dorothy and Toto- in the air - in my home.
I was hoping the wind would die down when it was time to drive back to the Kansas border. It did - in Denver. The closer I got to home, the harder the wind blew. The closer I got, the more weather alerts I heard - 'tornadoes, high winds, rain, hail.' It was a challenge driving against the wind, trying not to be sucked in by semi trailer trucks.
I pulled in my driveway, forced my way out of my vehicle, and into my home. Disheveled, and exhausted, I sighed. There really is no place like home. The wind blew, the rain and hail came...but I was safe. My husband was home and like Dorothy, I wanted to say, "This is my room and you're here and I'm not gonna leave here, ever, ever again!"
I used to wonder, why the wind blew. Ok...there are countless articles on wind energy. There are wind generators, wind turbines, windmills. I know, sailboats,and windsurfers need wind. The wind reduces smog, and helps with pollination..it's an invisible thermostat for our planet. Good....I love a cool breeze on a summer evening.
Sometimes, the wind over-does it. It is pretty inconsiderate. It can be annoying and such a nuisance...like, "I'm going to make sure you know I'm here. I'm not leaving and there's nothing you can do about it..."
When we got married, my husband told me he would love me as long as the wind blows and the grass grows.
I'm glad he loves me.
When the wind blows, like it does., I'm reminded of his promise.
I know I'm set for a lifetime of his love.
Friday, April 2, 2010
I saw Him. The man they call Jesus the Christ rode into town on a donkey. My neighbors placed palm leaves on the streets. A royal welcome for the King. They were most excited.
"Reuben! Come join us!" I chose to watch them from my home.
I am a sceptic. I don't believe any of the stuff they say about the Christ. They say He is going to save us. They insist He is the Messiah we have been waiting for. He is going to deliver us from the rule of the Romans. I have seen too much in my lifetime to think that one man is going to be able to free us. This Christ is not a trained military general. He isn't royalty. He is Joseph, the carpenter's son. I know of His family. He is not the Messiah.
Anyway, that is what I thought until yesterday. My friend Simeon and I were minding our own business, trying to ignore the crowd on our way to the marketplace. As far as we knew, the people were still celebrating their 'king'. Then, we noticed, blood-curdling cries and jeers. There were so many people, we didn't know what was going on so we pressed in to get a closer view.
What I saw, made me cringe. Simeon and I looked at each other and turned to leave the craziness, when a guard grabbed Simeon.
I stumbled after my friend who was commanded to help a bloody pulp carry a cross. What could this man have done to deserve such a beating, I wondered. I had never seen anything like it. Crucifixions are common for criminals. Beatings are too. But, there was no resemblance of a human being left in this man. As I ran alongside Simeon, I heard the crowd...'crucify him', 'hey Jesus, where's your power now'. I realized...this was the same man, they were hailing their Messiah the day before. What had he done in twenty four hours that was so horrible?
I was sicknened by the sight and couldn't imagine how this Christ could still be alive. He was struggling for every breath, but He followed while Simeon carried the weight . What kind of people was I surrounded by. I was appalled by the spitting and cursing. I knew these were religious people and I had never heard such hate. I didn't care if this Jesus was a messiah or not, our worst criminals were treated with more respect.
We came to Golgatha. I witnessed huge spikes pounded through his wrists and feet. I wanted to turn away, but I couldn't help myself. I watched as they lifted the cross and pounded it into the ground.
I hadn't noticed Simeon, but he was standing next to me, his face in his hands. He trembled as he whispered, "He is the Messiah..He is the Messiah.."
My head spun as I stared at the bloody flesh hanging on the cross. The Messiah? Jesus the Christ was our Messiah...hanging out die?
I felt nauseous. Everything grew faint. Although, there was a crowd surrounding me, I was alone at the cross...just me and Jesus the Christ. My heart ached for Him.
Then Jesus spoke. It was a whisper, but it seemed to ring through eternity. "It is finished."
Immediately the sky turned black...the earth started to rumble. Simeon was sobbing, "He is the Messiah.."
We couldn't move. People were running and screaming. Jeers turned to fear. But, Simeon and I were there when his family and friends carried His body away.
Later that evening, Simeon told me that Jesus had talked to him. "He spoke to me about my life and how much He loved me. He looked at me. He could see right through me.." Simeon my big, tough friend, sobbed again. "I know He is the Messiah."
I was so stunned by the whole day, I couldn't sleep. I thought about the blood along the road, about the Christ. I thought about what I learned at Synagogue...'He was despised and rejected - a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised and we did not care....He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. ..He had done no wrong..But he was buried like a criminal'.
I finally slept. I dreamed Jesus the Christ spoke to me. 'For you. I died for you.' He wasn't on the cross. He was alive, but I could see the scars all over His body.
Today I still hear echoes of His voice in the silence. "It is finished."
I feel an expectancy in the air...something is happening. I have a feeling, Jesus the Christ isn't finished. I know that I know,He is mightier than the cross He was nailed to...greater than the grave He was placed in. . . Somehow, I know...He is Messiah. God made flesh. Anything is possible with Him....anything...
"Reuben! Come join us!" I chose to watch them from my home.
I am a sceptic. I don't believe any of the stuff they say about the Christ. They say He is going to save us. They insist He is the Messiah we have been waiting for. He is going to deliver us from the rule of the Romans. I have seen too much in my lifetime to think that one man is going to be able to free us. This Christ is not a trained military general. He isn't royalty. He is Joseph, the carpenter's son. I know of His family. He is not the Messiah.
Anyway, that is what I thought until yesterday. My friend Simeon and I were minding our own business, trying to ignore the crowd on our way to the marketplace. As far as we knew, the people were still celebrating their 'king'. Then, we noticed, blood-curdling cries and jeers. There were so many people, we didn't know what was going on so we pressed in to get a closer view.
What I saw, made me cringe. Simeon and I looked at each other and turned to leave the craziness, when a guard grabbed Simeon.
I stumbled after my friend who was commanded to help a bloody pulp carry a cross. What could this man have done to deserve such a beating, I wondered. I had never seen anything like it. Crucifixions are common for criminals. Beatings are too. But, there was no resemblance of a human being left in this man. As I ran alongside Simeon, I heard the crowd...'crucify him', 'hey Jesus, where's your power now'. I realized...this was the same man, they were hailing their Messiah the day before. What had he done in twenty four hours that was so horrible?
I was sicknened by the sight and couldn't imagine how this Christ could still be alive. He was struggling for every breath, but He followed while Simeon carried the weight . What kind of people was I surrounded by. I was appalled by the spitting and cursing. I knew these were religious people and I had never heard such hate. I didn't care if this Jesus was a messiah or not, our worst criminals were treated with more respect.
We came to Golgatha. I witnessed huge spikes pounded through his wrists and feet. I wanted to turn away, but I couldn't help myself. I watched as they lifted the cross and pounded it into the ground.
I hadn't noticed Simeon, but he was standing next to me, his face in his hands. He trembled as he whispered, "He is the Messiah..He is the Messiah.."
My head spun as I stared at the bloody flesh hanging on the cross. The Messiah? Jesus the Christ was our Messiah...hanging out die?
I felt nauseous. Everything grew faint. Although, there was a crowd surrounding me, I was alone at the cross...just me and Jesus the Christ. My heart ached for Him.
Then Jesus spoke. It was a whisper, but it seemed to ring through eternity. "It is finished."
Immediately the sky turned black...the earth started to rumble. Simeon was sobbing, "He is the Messiah.."
We couldn't move. People were running and screaming. Jeers turned to fear. But, Simeon and I were there when his family and friends carried His body away.
Later that evening, Simeon told me that Jesus had talked to him. "He spoke to me about my life and how much He loved me. He looked at me. He could see right through me.." Simeon my big, tough friend, sobbed again. "I know He is the Messiah."
I was so stunned by the whole day, I couldn't sleep. I thought about the blood along the road, about the Christ. I thought about what I learned at Synagogue...'He was despised and rejected - a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised and we did not care....He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. ..He had done no wrong..But he was buried like a criminal'.
I finally slept. I dreamed Jesus the Christ spoke to me. 'For you. I died for you.' He wasn't on the cross. He was alive, but I could see the scars all over His body.
Today I still hear echoes of His voice in the silence. "It is finished."
I feel an expectancy in the air...something is happening. I have a feeling, Jesus the Christ isn't finished. I know that I know,He is mightier than the cross He was nailed to...greater than the grave He was placed in. . . Somehow, I know...He is Messiah. God made flesh. Anything is possible with Him....anything...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Yes, you!
I have called you.
For such a time as this.
There is no mistake.
I knew all along.
I called you by name.
I came, I gave, all with you in mind.
You were on my mind.
You were planted in my heart.
You have been there since forever.
In the beginning of time, I knew you.
Never will there be another like you.
No one else can fill your shoes.
No one else can be what I have made you to be.
It's ok.
It's all ok.
You're with Me.
I'm with you everywhere you go.
I never let go.
I never give up.
I never, never, never, forget you.
No never.
I see you now.
I love you more than you know.
My hands outstretched.
My heart is yours.
My life, I gave for you.
Yes, just you.
You have purpose.
I call you to come
Come, go with Me.
Everyday...all day...
You are equipped.
I am with you.
I lead.
I guide.
For such a time as this.
For such a time as this.
There is no mistake.
I knew all along.
I called you by name.
I came, I gave, all with you in mind.
You were on my mind.
You were planted in my heart.
You have been there since forever.
In the beginning of time, I knew you.
Never will there be another like you.
No one else can fill your shoes.
No one else can be what I have made you to be.
It's ok.
It's all ok.
You're with Me.
I'm with you everywhere you go.
I never let go.
I never give up.
I never, never, never, forget you.
No never.
I see you now.
I love you more than you know.
My hands outstretched.
My heart is yours.
My life, I gave for you.
Yes, just you.
You have purpose.
I call you to come
Come, go with Me.
Everyday...all day...
You are equipped.
I am with you.
I lead.
I guide.
For such a time as this.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
There are monsters.
Sometimes they hide in the closet..or under the bed. Sometimes they don't even hide - those blatant, rude, intruders. Sometimes it's right in the middle of the day, with no one in sight, and their voices interrupt my thoughts and peace of mind...trying to scare me witless.
'The nerve! Just when I am brave and nothing can scare me.... "Boo," just like that. As old (or young) as I am, I would think the days of scary monsters would be over....but, no.
They don't seem to want to give up. They seem to have all this time on their hands to investigate and delve into my secrets. For example,
I'm lying in bed...just getting ready to go to sleep and all of a sudden one of these monsters climbs up on my bed and whispers something. It may be just one little thing...then I can't sleep. Sometimes, I'm driving - usually in the city, and monsters climb in the back seat with their crude remarks about my ability to drive.
There was the day I was supposed to give a presentation in front of a relativeley small audience.Now, I've been speaking in front of people for a long time. The night before my speech, I went to bed and tried to sleep. This monster rose up on my bed. "What are you going to say?" "It's going to be horrible and everybody's going laugh." "You can't speak in front of people...you're going to freeze and make stupid sounds."(Note: not even words...he said, I would be a babbling idiot).
I could be singing along, baking cookies or taking a walk. All of a sudden they sneak up on me and whisper stupid stuff....stuff that hasn't happened - 'but it could'.
I used to sit and cry. I used to pull the covers over my head and wish them away. Those monsters used to torment me till I could do nothing right. I couldn't even look in the mirror without their taunting.
Yeah, there are still monsters.
I have One over on them. 'Stupid monsters. Sure, they still try to trip me up. Like I said, they don't give up. Sometimes, they try really hard and I stumble...look over my shoulder; or have to stop and catch my breath, while chills run up my spine.
Sometimes, I'm not as quick as I should be, but I'm so much better than I used to be. I had some "Dealing with Monsters" training.
First, I got to know the Master Monster Terminator. I spend time with Him and have learned some pretty amazing things. Since I know Him, I can remind the monsters that Master Monster Terminator has their numbers - (He smashed the main monster years ago) and they turn and run. Master Monster Terminator has trained me with His Master Terminator weapons - and if I use the weapons when the monsters come around, they have to flee!
Sure, there are monsters....and they don't give up. But, they are pretty stupid to mess with Master Monster Terminator and His followers.
The Bible says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers and spiritual wickedness in high places. We must put on the whole armor of God...pray always and watch, diligently. Jesus took the keys from death and darkness. He gave us the victory!
Sometimes they hide in the closet..or under the bed. Sometimes they don't even hide - those blatant, rude, intruders. Sometimes it's right in the middle of the day, with no one in sight, and their voices interrupt my thoughts and peace of mind...trying to scare me witless.
'The nerve! Just when I am brave and nothing can scare me.... "Boo," just like that. As old (or young) as I am, I would think the days of scary monsters would be over....but, no.
They don't seem to want to give up. They seem to have all this time on their hands to investigate and delve into my secrets. For example,
I'm lying in bed...just getting ready to go to sleep and all of a sudden one of these monsters climbs up on my bed and whispers something. It may be just one little thing...then I can't sleep. Sometimes, I'm driving - usually in the city, and monsters climb in the back seat with their crude remarks about my ability to drive.
There was the day I was supposed to give a presentation in front of a relativeley small audience.Now, I've been speaking in front of people for a long time. The night before my speech, I went to bed and tried to sleep. This monster rose up on my bed. "What are you going to say?" "It's going to be horrible and everybody's going laugh." "You can't speak in front of people...you're going to freeze and make stupid sounds."(Note: not even words...he said, I would be a babbling idiot).
I could be singing along, baking cookies or taking a walk. All of a sudden they sneak up on me and whisper stupid stuff....stuff that hasn't happened - 'but it could'.
I used to sit and cry. I used to pull the covers over my head and wish them away. Those monsters used to torment me till I could do nothing right. I couldn't even look in the mirror without their taunting.
Yeah, there are still monsters.
I have One over on them. 'Stupid monsters. Sure, they still try to trip me up. Like I said, they don't give up. Sometimes, they try really hard and I stumble...look over my shoulder; or have to stop and catch my breath, while chills run up my spine.
Sometimes, I'm not as quick as I should be, but I'm so much better than I used to be. I had some "Dealing with Monsters" training.
First, I got to know the Master Monster Terminator. I spend time with Him and have learned some pretty amazing things. Since I know Him, I can remind the monsters that Master Monster Terminator has their numbers - (He smashed the main monster years ago) and they turn and run. Master Monster Terminator has trained me with His Master Terminator weapons - and if I use the weapons when the monsters come around, they have to flee!
Sure, there are monsters....and they don't give up. But, they are pretty stupid to mess with Master Monster Terminator and His followers.
The Bible says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers and spiritual wickedness in high places. We must put on the whole armor of God...pray always and watch, diligently. Jesus took the keys from death and darkness. He gave us the victory!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Say Yes!
What would happen if we said 'yes' to everything God wanted us to do?
Recently, I attended a webinar hosted by Bill Myers. He is an author who didn't want to write. He said his worst grades were in Writing where he had Cs and Ds. He prayed and told God he could do anything but write. But, he also told God he would always say 'yes' to anything He wanted him to do. God knew the hidden talent Bill had. He has now sold over five million books and is a film director and producer. He influenced Christian film with his animated, 'McGee and Me Adventures'.
I came away from the webinar thinking about my life. I said 'yes' to God years ago. I also told Him I would do whatever He wanted me to do. My life is so small, in my eyes...no where near Bill Myers. Yet, I know...we are all important in the puzzle of life.
What God wants me to do, doesn't always match what I think I should be doing. Sometimes He wants me to go places I wouldn't choose to go! Sometimes He calls me to step out into unknown territory. That's the adventure of a Christian life. We walk by faith and not by sight.
I remember a time God spoke to my heart and told me to pray for someone, who was famous in Christian ministry - in person! Ha! I thought. How was that going to happen? How was I going to pray in person with him. But, it happened. I was at his concert and God made a way for me to go backstage...we met and I prayed for him. Later, I found out, he was struggling with depression. God made the way and gave me the boldness I needed.
Sometimes, the doors WE want opened, aren't the ones He has in mind. I have heard myself say, "I could do this or this God...but not that or that..." I've learned never to say never. In my young mind I was going to live the city life! I live in rural America. He has a purpose and a plan. I have lived here for twenty years - married an attorney turned rancher...'looks like 'rural' is where I'll be!
Writing is another idea He has. I thought I would teach/be in the classroom forever. But, whatever He has in mind for my writing; it is what He has called me to do at this time in my life. I love it. I know it is what I am to do.
If He calls us to do something, He gives us the desire. I have this driving force to write - like Stephen King says (that is where similarities end). Jerry Jenkins says it, too. "You write, because you just have to." I have always enjoyed writing and have written ever since I can remember- just for me - journals, stories. Now it is what I do....for Him. It is humbling. I must get before my Father everyday and say, even though there is this driving desire to write - 'give me the words, Lord'. Writing is my desire. The Word of God says He will give us the desires of our heart. As our hearts tune in with His heart...our desires become His. It is a great place to be. Is it easy? Only in Him and because of Him. Would I have it any other way? No. There is peace and joy being in His will. There is no other way.
Recently, I attended a webinar hosted by Bill Myers. He is an author who didn't want to write. He said his worst grades were in Writing where he had Cs and Ds. He prayed and told God he could do anything but write. But, he also told God he would always say 'yes' to anything He wanted him to do. God knew the hidden talent Bill had. He has now sold over five million books and is a film director and producer. He influenced Christian film with his animated, 'McGee and Me Adventures'.
I came away from the webinar thinking about my life. I said 'yes' to God years ago. I also told Him I would do whatever He wanted me to do. My life is so small, in my eyes...no where near Bill Myers. Yet, I know...we are all important in the puzzle of life.
What God wants me to do, doesn't always match what I think I should be doing. Sometimes He wants me to go places I wouldn't choose to go! Sometimes He calls me to step out into unknown territory. That's the adventure of a Christian life. We walk by faith and not by sight.
I remember a time God spoke to my heart and told me to pray for someone, who was famous in Christian ministry - in person! Ha! I thought. How was that going to happen? How was I going to pray in person with him. But, it happened. I was at his concert and God made a way for me to go backstage...we met and I prayed for him. Later, I found out, he was struggling with depression. God made the way and gave me the boldness I needed.
Sometimes, the doors WE want opened, aren't the ones He has in mind. I have heard myself say, "I could do this or this God...but not that or that..." I've learned never to say never. In my young mind I was going to live the city life! I live in rural America. He has a purpose and a plan. I have lived here for twenty years - married an attorney turned rancher...'looks like 'rural' is where I'll be!
Writing is another idea He has. I thought I would teach/be in the classroom forever. But, whatever He has in mind for my writing; it is what He has called me to do at this time in my life. I love it. I know it is what I am to do.
If He calls us to do something, He gives us the desire. I have this driving force to write - like Stephen King says (that is where similarities end). Jerry Jenkins says it, too. "You write, because you just have to." I have always enjoyed writing and have written ever since I can remember- just for me - journals, stories. Now it is what I do....for Him. It is humbling. I must get before my Father everyday and say, even though there is this driving desire to write - 'give me the words, Lord'. Writing is my desire. The Word of God says He will give us the desires of our heart. As our hearts tune in with His heart...our desires become His. It is a great place to be. Is it easy? Only in Him and because of Him. Would I have it any other way? No. There is peace and joy being in His will. There is no other way.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Adam and Eve and Tiger Woods
Yes, Tiger Woods. Adam and Eve were sorry, too. They wished they hadn't eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They thought they didn't need to listen to God. They thought they were above that. They were so big in their own eyes that they thought they knew better. When the serpent told them, 'Nothing will happen to you,' they bought it. Just like Tiger. He was 'big in his own eyes and thought nothing could touch him.
When God came calling, Adam and Eve hid...but, He knew where they were. Then, they were sorry. Tiger was found out - then, he was sorry, too.
It doesn't matter that he is a celebrity. Sin (yes, that word) has a way of finding us out. Is Tiger's 'cheetah' image a private matter? Well, yes and no. What Tiger and his family do in their private lives, is their decision. But, like it or not, he is a public figure - a great athlete - a role model (did I say that?!). Yet, he is a human being, just like the rest of us. His 'sin' found him out. The only difference between him and the rest of us is that his 'world' reaches a wider audience
Tiger is the man of the hour,today. Some of us have been that 'man of the hour' at some time in our lives. In our own lives...in our world...there have been scandals and maybe we've even been the object. 'No fun.
Satan is a master at what he does. He lures and makes his way sound so appealing. He says he loves us. He tells us we are really something (a little like, uh, narcissism). He says he'll take care of us and who will ever find out, anyway. If we listen and go against our better judgment, taking the bait, he accuses and turns on us. He laughs and taunts saying we're stupid for listening to him! Then, he whispers more lies on how horrible we are.
The mistake Adam and Eve made by listening to satan, cost them dearly. Their decision affected their family. It affected mankind and still does today. Consequences, I believe is the word. Tiger wants his family to be left alone. It's just his problem. His family didn't do anything wrong. Why should they suffer? Tiger's decision to listen to the serpent, is why. Whether the papparazzi follow his kids, and write stories about his wife or not, his family is suffering now. The Bible says, the pleasures of sin are but for a season. His season is over. 'No pleasure now.
I'm not ragging on Tiger...we've all been our own worst enemy. We have, at one time or another,been ashamed of ourselves, or caught ourselves doing what we said we'd never do. We are all human beings and left to our own devices...are pathetic. Even the strongest-willed of our own species has created his/her own hell, at some time.
So what now?
Can his family be reconciled? Sure. Adam and Eve were reconciled to God.
God loved them - even though they chose to walk away from His love and His blessings. They walked out from under His protection. Tiger chose to do the same. There is forgiveness and restoration available for him just as there was for Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness and tried to cover themselves. What did God do? Did He ridicule them for hurting and betraying Him? Did He disown them? No, He clothed them in His love.
Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah...all through history, God has blessed His people. It doesn't mean they never made mistakes or caused scandals in their own lives. But, if they turned to Him, God forgave and blessed them.
He has a better plan. That's why He sent His Son, Jesus.
Is there hope for us? For Tiger? Of course there is. Jesus came so that we could have life and that more abundantly. All we need to do is go to Him! Just as we are. He will clean us up. He will cover us with His love.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Olympics: Chasing the Possible Dream
I'm loving the Olympics. I stay up way past my bedtime and finally force myself to walk away from the splendor on the screen. I wake up and recall the events from the night before and anticipate the upcoming events.
I would love to be there in person - to experience the energy racing through the crowds. Wow. I get chills observing the pride on people's faces as they listen and sing their national anthems, waving their countries' flags.
These athletes are the best of the best. What a crowd to 'hang' with. I've been impressed by the dignity and respect the participants and spectators show each other. There may be language barriers, cultural differences, but they have earned the honor of being there and are there for one purpose. . . to do their best and hopefully, carry home the 'gold'.
I found myself cheering for the Chinese figure skating couples, the two who are married, as well as the couple who skated to "The Impossible Dream". I admired their coach who grew through earlier humiliation in his career. He now represents the finest figure skaters in the world. I clapped for the German figure skaters, performing to the music, "Bring in the Clowns".
It doesn't matter where they are from. They are talented and have perfected their craft. I watched the winners as their eyes lit up, their countries' flags raised above the others'. I felt pride in the United States when our flag was raised high, victory ours.
Over 80 countries are participating in the Olympics including: Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, The United States, China, Japan, Germany, Norway, among others. Some countries that otherwise, do not have amicable relationships.
Those participating in the Olympics have common ground. They have their own stories of struggle and triumph. Young athletes with goals, aspirations. They want to present themselves and their countries in a positive light and do their best. There is strength in that. There is dignity and acceptance.
Ray Stevens sang, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world; red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." The Dave Clark Five sang - "Come on you people now, Smile on your brother, try to love one another right now."
If we could only live that way.... all the time.
I would love to be there in person - to experience the energy racing through the crowds. Wow. I get chills observing the pride on people's faces as they listen and sing their national anthems, waving their countries' flags.
These athletes are the best of the best. What a crowd to 'hang' with. I've been impressed by the dignity and respect the participants and spectators show each other. There may be language barriers, cultural differences, but they have earned the honor of being there and are there for one purpose. . . to do their best and hopefully, carry home the 'gold'.
I found myself cheering for the Chinese figure skating couples, the two who are married, as well as the couple who skated to "The Impossible Dream". I admired their coach who grew through earlier humiliation in his career. He now represents the finest figure skaters in the world. I clapped for the German figure skaters, performing to the music, "Bring in the Clowns".
It doesn't matter where they are from. They are talented and have perfected their craft. I watched the winners as their eyes lit up, their countries' flags raised above the others'. I felt pride in the United States when our flag was raised high, victory ours.
Over 80 countries are participating in the Olympics including: Iran, Israel, North Korea, South Korea, The United States, China, Japan, Germany, Norway, among others. Some countries that otherwise, do not have amicable relationships.
Those participating in the Olympics have common ground. They have their own stories of struggle and triumph. Young athletes with goals, aspirations. They want to present themselves and their countries in a positive light and do their best. There is strength in that. There is dignity and acceptance.
Ray Stevens sang, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world; red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." The Dave Clark Five sang - "Come on you people now, Smile on your brother, try to love one another right now."
If we could only live that way.... all the time.
Friday, February 12, 2010
A love story
He loves me. I don't know why, but he does. I wasn't very nice to him for the longest time.
My friends first told me about him...sure I'd seen him, but so what? Yeah, he was nice and all, but I truly wasn't interested. When, I'd give him a chance, he'd talk to me and I'd be polite. Otherwise, he'd smile and say hello and keep his distance. But, if I ever gave him the time of day, he'd want to spend time with me - and I really didn't want that.
We could be friends. Why wasn't he happy with that? My friends told me he really wanted to get to know me better. I wondered why this guy wouldn't give it up. I'd go out with other guys and if I happened to see him, he'd give me that look. The one that says, 'I wish you'd just give me a chance.' I hated that.
I didn't want to be rude; but he wasn't my type and I didn't know why he didn't see that. We were as different as night and day. My interests - my hobbies, my music, my friends...just about everything.
Then, I noticed little notes tucked here and there. Then there were flowers. Oh my....what was I going to do? Once in a while he'd call and I'd visit for a little bit, so as not to be rude. I'd thank him for the flowers and notes and tell him that maybe it wasn't a good idea. It didn't matter. He'd just keep right on - flowers, notes, things he knew I liked.
I didn't know what to do...so I kept on dating, thinking maybe he'd finally get the hint. My friends told me, he'd said he loved me and he always would. "How is that possible? He doesn't even know me, really," was my response to my 'messenger' friends. They'd just shrug. They were just the messengers.
'Funny thing. My friends knew him and thought a lot of him, but they never pressured me by saying I needed to give him a chance. They were just the messengers. I appreciated that.
Then, one day I was alone...just sitting in the shade of a tree. I was thinking about him and wondered why I wouldn't give him a chance. From everything I'd heard, it seemed like he was pretty wonderful.
About that time, he walked over to where I was. It was like I was seeing him for the first time. Like I'd been waiting for him all my life. He smiled at me and said, "Yes, you have been waiting for me, all your life, and I've been here all the time."
Yes, he is wonderful - more awesome than anything! We have everything in common, now. He loves me no matter what. He loves me unconditionally. He has always loved me. He has loved me with an everlasting love.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thanks Punxsutawney Phil!
Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, saw his shadow this morning. We best be prepared. Don't think about putting winter apparel in storage quite yet. Leave the shovels and snow blowers in convenient spots and by all means, don't plant gardens or uncover the air conditioner. According to Punxsutawney Phil we are in for six more weeks of winter.
People all over America (and elsewhere) await the appearance of the groundhog. If he doesn't see his shadow, there are exuberant shouts, "Spring is in the air!" If he sees his shadow, it's "Bah, six more weeks of winter."
We are funny people. We want a reason to celebrate and a reason to complain. Leave it up to a groundhog named Punxsutawny Phil to make sure we have something to talk about. (Hmmm.... could it be that our weathermen/meteorologists anticipate the second day of February to be able to rest from taking the blame for the weather for six weeks each year?)
What would happen if Mr. Groundhog went on strike and decided not come out for his usual holiday? Think about it. With all the publicity, he hasn't gotten any great perks for his appearances! After all, he still lives in that burrow.
Do we really believe it's up to ol' Mr. Groundhog? When I was in grade school, I remember hearing about Groundhog Day on the radio - when my mom was driving me to school. I didn't ask any questions.
But imagine the thoughts that ran through my young mind. A groundhog? I had never seen one and imagined just that - a ground 'hog'. I thought he must live in a big burrow and have a time of it, trying to get out to let us know what weather we would encounter for the next six weeks. I wondered if he sat in his recliner eating nuts or smoking his pipe, the second day of February wondering...'should I or shouldn't I? It's up to me. All I have to do is step outside my burrow.' I used to wonder how scientific the appearance of a groundhog was. I thought it was amazing that grown-ups believed a groundhog was predicting the weather. (Ah, the mind of a child).
People all over America (and elsewhere) await the appearance of the groundhog. If he doesn't see his shadow, there are exuberant shouts, "Spring is in the air!" If he sees his shadow, it's "Bah, six more weeks of winter."
We are funny people. We want a reason to celebrate and a reason to complain. Leave it up to a groundhog named Punxsutawny Phil to make sure we have something to talk about. (Hmmm.... could it be that our weathermen/meteorologists anticipate the second day of February to be able to rest from taking the blame for the weather for six weeks each year?)
What would happen if Mr. Groundhog went on strike and decided not come out for his usual holiday? Think about it. With all the publicity, he hasn't gotten any great perks for his appearances! After all, he still lives in that burrow.
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